Monday, September 30, 2019

Exhibit Advertisement Essay

Please join the Rhode Island School of Design in exploring a blast from the past! Our annual art exhibit will be celebrated January 22, 2012 in RISD’s auditorium. This year will showcase art work from the Early Chinese and Early Japanese Civilizations. During this free exhibit your entire family will be able to explore the very fascinating masterpieces from ancient Chinese and Japanese artist. Throughout the exhibit you will see different forms of art with each piece reflecting on their culture, history, and religious beliefs. Please take some time to read about some of the artwork that will be displayed, and its roots. Understanding these amazing art forms can be comprehended by first taking a look on how all forms of art was greatly influenced by Early Chinese Civilization. There are many connections between culture, religion, and spiritual beliefs. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism were religions that greatly affected Chinese artist. These religions and philosophies represented social responsibility, responsibility towards nature, practical and mystical relations, along with healthy life balance. In addition to religion the admiration of nature played a very special part in art whether it is sculptures, calligraphy scrolls, or architecture. The wide array of art forms can be traced back to the Chinese culture. In the first preview you will notice a bronze horse; this artwork was created during the Han Dynasty. A horse for many was means of transportation however the Chinese valued the horse, especially due to their location. The breed of horses that were available to the Chinese were considered â€Å"flying horses† due to their speed. Many emperors along with citizens valued animals and nature because of their spiritual beliefs. Chinese men also valued the horse understanding that in time or war horses were an essential part to defeating enemies. Another art form that can be viewed at our annual exhibit is the representation of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang represent the equal balance of life. This is most commonly represented by black and white, although the Chinese understood that life would not always be black and white. The Chinese understood that no part of life could be relevant without the other and appreciated the good with the bad and believed in things being equal. Japanese art form absorbed many of the influences from the Chinese Civilization. Japanese art in its own way is a concentrated form of Chinese work and cultural beliefs. There were Taoist and Confucius influences however the Shinto and Buddhist society were also heavily acknowledged. The love and respect for spiritual peace in addition to nature can be easily identified in Japanese art. Much like the Chinese, the Japanese also valued family, life balance, and elder wisdom. In the above image one can sense the importance of religion and spiritual finding. The Shaka Triad displays in the center Buddha. This art work was a direct influence of Buddhism, which later became to influence the court life of the Japanese. (Benton & DiYanni, 2008) This piece of art was directly influenced by the Chinese sculpture traditions especially those of pre-Tang period.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Introduction Of The Exam Timetabling System Education Essay

The literature reappraisal will concentrate on the debut of the test timetabling system that has been used in universities and timetabling that usage in other field and their job. Educational timetabling optimisation is a major administrative activity for a broad assortment of establishments. A timetabling optimisation job can be defined as delegating a figure of events into a limited figure of clip periods to optimise the consequence in the timetable to salvage cost, clip, infinite or other thing that can be save. This study besides reviews the technique that can be used in optimising the fresh category in exam timetabling.2.1 PROBLEM DOMAINâ€Å" A.Wren ( 1996 ) defines timetabling is the allotment, capable to restraints, of given resources to objects being placed in infinite clip, in such a manner as to fulfill every bit about as possible a set of desirable aims ( Burke & A ; Petrovic,2002 ) . Many research workers has part in timetabling jobs in several old ages subsequently due to the fact that timetabling jobs are frequently over-constrained, dynamic, and optimisation standards are difficult to specify. Some of the parts from those research workers are including graph colouring, whole number scheduling from Operations Research, simulated tempering, taboo hunt, familial algorithms, and restraint logic programming from Artificial Intelligence ( Alashwal & A ; Deris, 2007 ) . Timetabling is produced by the programming job and it can be shown in many different signifiers. Timetabling is really of import to Business Company, organisation, or even to single. With timetable the work will go more systematic and efficient. Timetabling is ongoing and uninterrupted procedure. A procedure of updating timetables is needed consideration of a important figure of objects and restraints. As increasing a figure of pupils, an updated to the current traditional timetabling system should be done from clip to clip to do the executable programming to pupils. Therefore, it takes a batch of clip such as several yearss or even hebdomads to finish scheduling timetables manually by homo. A timetabling job is about an assignment of a set of activities, actions or events at specific clip slot for illustration: work displacements, responsibilities, categories to a set of resources. Timetabling jobs is related to jobs on allotment resources to specific seasonableness which there are specific restraints must be considered. The resources such as groups and topics are allocated to a clip slot of schoolrooms every bit long as it was fulfilling their restraints ( Norberciak, 2006 ) . This undertaking chief end is to bring forth a best consequence of delegating pupil to a category that will optimise the used categories. The trouble is due to the great complexness of the building of timetables for test, due the scheduling size of the scrutinies and the high figure of restraints and standards of allotment, normally circumvented with the usage of small rigorous heuristics, based on solutions from old old ages. The aim of this work is the scrutiny agendas. The chief intent is to apportion each concluding test paper to the best category based on the figure of pupil taking the paper, automatically by utilizing computing machines. The people confronting these troubles is the people who in charge of delegating these exam manually. The variable is the day of the month of the test, clip of the test, topics, test documents, figure of pupil taking the exam paper and the available category. They need to group this test in test day of the month and clip of the test which is in forenoon or eventide. After that they will delegate each exam paper to an available category that fitted to the figure of pupil taking the test. These stairss will go on until all the test documents have their categories.2.2 Technique THAT CAN BE USED IN THE PROJECTThere are many intelligent techniques or method of optimisation that has been tried throughout the decennaries since the first efforts of automatizing the scrutiny timetabling procedure such as Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) , Artificial Immune Algorithm, Graph Coloring Method and Genetic Algorithm.2.2.1 PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ( PSO )Goldberg, Davis and Cheng says that PSO is different from other methodological analysiss that use natural development as the architecture while PSO is based on societal behaviour of development ( S.C.Chu, Y.T.Chen & A ; J.H.Ho, 2006 ) . PSO use self-organisation and division of labour for distributed job work outing similar to the corporate behaviour of insect settlements, bird flocks and other carnal societies ( D.R.Fealco, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to Kennedy and Eberhart ( 2001 ) , PSO comparatively new stochastic GO which is known as Global Optimization member if the Broader Swarm intelligence field for work outing optimisation job ( D.R.Fealco, 2005 ) . PSO utilizing population of atom procedure to seek the system so each atom is updated by following two best values in every loop ( S.C.Chu, Y.T.Chen & A ; J.H.Ho, 2006 ) . Optimization job in PSO is done by delegating way vectors and speeds to each point in a multi-dimensional hunt infinite and Each point so ‘moves ‘ or ‘flies ‘ through the hunt infinite following its speed vector, which is influenced by the waies and speeds of other points in its vicinity to localised loops of possible solution ( C.Jacob & A ; N.Khemka,2004 ) . Algorithm The PSO algorithm works at the same time keeping several candidate solution in the hunt infinite. PSO algorithm consist of seven measure ( C.Jacob & A ; N.Khemka,2004 ) . Which is Initialize the population – locations and speeds. Measure the fittingness of the single atom ( pBest ) . Keep path of the persons highest fittingness ( gBest ) . Modify speeds based on pBest and gBest place. Update the atoms place. Terminate if the status is meet. Travel to Step 2. The item of the PSO algorithm is shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: The procedure of PSO2.2.2 ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE ALGORITHMArtificial Immune Algorithm besides known as AIS are stimulated from nature of human immune system. Dasgupta, Ji and Gonzalez reference that characteristic extraction, pattern acknowledgment, memory and its distributive nature provide rich metaphor for its unreal opposite number are the powerful capablenesss of the immune system ( H.Yulan, C.H Siu & A ; M.K Lai ) . Timmis & A ; Jonathan ( 2000 ) depict the AIS used natural immune system as the metaphor as the attack for work outing computational job ( M.R.Malim, A.T.Khadir & A ; A.Mustafa ) . Anomaly sensing, pattern acknowledgment, computing machine security, mistake tolerance, dynamic environments, robotic, informations excavation optimisation and programming are the chief sphere application of AIS ( M.R.Malim, A.T.Khadir & A ; A.Mustafa ) . Some preliminary biological footings in order to understand the AIS are immune cells B-cells and T-cells are two major group of immune cell and it help in acknowledging an about illimitable scope of anti cistrons form and antigens ( AG ) is the disease-causing component, it has two type s of antigens which is self and non-self where non-self antigens are disease-causing elements and self anti-genes are harmless to the organic structure ( R.Agarwal, M.K.Tiwari, S.K.Mukherjee, 2006 ) . There are two chief application sphere in AIS which is antigen and antibody. Antigen is the mark or the solution for the job, while the antibody is the reminder of the informations. Occasionally, there are more than one antigen at a certain clip and there are often big figure of antibodies present at one time. Generic stairss of unreal immune system ( AIS ) : Measure 1: Define job specific nonsubjective map and set the algorithm parametric quantity. Set iter=0 ; counter for figure of loops. Generate initial executable random solutions. ( Here solution represents operation precedence figure matching to each activity ) . Measure 2: Randomly choose an antigen and expose to all antibodies. Calculate the affinity of all antigens and make affinity vector Af. ( In our instance to calculate affinity, first optimal/near optimum agendas of activities are determined with the aid of precedence figure as give in Section 3.3 thenceforth ; its make span value is calculated ) . Measure 3: Choice Pc highest affinity antibodies. Generate the set of ringers for the selected antibodies. Measure 4: For each generated ringer do inverse mutant ( choose a part of ringer twine and invert ) with a chance and cipher the affinity of the new solution formed. If affinity ( new solution ) & gt ; affinity ( ringer ) so clone=new solution ; else do partner off wise interchange mutant ( choice any two location and inter- alteration elements ) . Calculate the affinity of the new solution formed if affinity ( new solution ) & gt ; affinity ( ringer ) so clone=new solution ; else, clone=clone. Measure 5: Expose the new inhabitants of the society ( i.e. , ringers ) to the antigens. Check for feasibleness and calculate affinity. Measure 6: Replace the Ps lowest affinity antibodies with the Ps best ringers generated. Iter=iter+1 ; if ( iter & lt ; iter_max ) goto measure 2 else Give the best antibody as the end product. The AIS flow chart is shown in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2: AIS flow chart2.2.3 GRAPH COLORING METHODIt is good known that the scrutiny timetabling job, when sing merely the scrutiny conflicts restraint, maps into an tantamount graph colourising job ( Kiaer & A ; Yellen, 1992 ) , which is NP-complete ( Burke, Elliman, & A ; Weare, 1993 ; Willemen, 2002 ) . The graph colouring job is an assignment of colourss to vertices in such a mode that no two next vertices have the same colour. Therefore, a solution to the graph colourising job represents a solution to the nucleus scrutiny timetabling job, where graph vertices correspond to exams, graph borders indicate that the affiliated vertices have an scrutiny struggle, and colourss represent alone clip slots ( Welsh & A ; Powell, 1967 ) . The graph colourising job in bend is solved utilizing one of the graph colourising heuristics ( e.g. , Largest Degree ) , normally with backtracking ( Burke, Newall, & A ; Weare, 1998 ; Carter, Laporte, & A ; Chinneck, 1994 ) . Graph colouring is a particular instance of graph labeling. It is an assignment of labels traditionally called â€Å" colourss † to elements of a graph topic to certain restraints. In its simplest signifier, it is a manner of colourising the vertices of a graph such that no two next vertices portion the same colour ; this is called a vertex colouring. Similarly, an border colourising assigns a colour to each border so that no two adjacent borders portion the same colour, and a face colouring of a planar graph assigns a colour to each face or part so that no two faces that portion a boundary have the same colour ( DR Hussein & A ; K.E.Sabri, 2006 ) . Graph colouring is one of the most functional theoretical accounts in graph theory. It has been used to work out many jobs such as in school timetabling, computing machine registry allotment, electronic bandwidth allotment, and many other applications ( Dr Hussein & A ; K.E.Sabri, 2006 ) . Dr Hussein and K.E.Sabri besides mention that Greedy Graph Coloring is one of the consecutive techniques for colourising a graph. They stated that the technique focuses on carefully select the following vertex to be colored. In their study they explain two common algorithm which is first tantrum and grade based telling techniques. First tantrum: First Fit algorithm is the easiest and fastest technique of all greedy colourising heuristics. The algorithm consecutive assigns each vertex the lowest legal colour. This algorithm has the advantage of being really simple and fast and can be implemented to run in O ( N ) . Degree based ordination: It provides a better scheme for colourising a graph. It uses a certain choice standard for taking the vertex to be colored. This scheme is better than the First Fit which merely picks a vertex from an arbitrary order. Some schemes for choosing the following vertex to be colored have been proposed such as: Largest grade telling ( LDO ) : It chooses a vertex with the highest figure of neighbours. Intuitively, LDO provides a better colouring than the First Fit. This heuristic can be implemented to run in O ( n2 ) . Saturation grade telling ( SDO ) : The impregnation grade of a vertex is defined as the figure of its next otherwise colored vertices. Intuitively, this heuristic provides a better colouring than LDO as it can be implemented to run in O ( n3 ) . Incidence grade telling ( IDO ) : A alteration of the SDO heuristic is the incidence grade telling. The incidence grade of a vertex is defined as the figure of its next coloured vertices. This heuristic can be implemented to run in O ( n2 ) .2.2.4 GENETIC ALGORITHMThe familial algorithms distinguish themselves in the field of methods of optimisation and hunt for the assimilation of the Darwinian paradigm of the development of species. The familial algorithms are procedures of convergence ( Queiros, 1995 ) . Its construction is governed by import Torahs of the theory of development of species and concreteness in two cardinal constructs: choice and reproduction. The confrontation between familial algorithms and the existent jobs is promoted by the demand for optimisation. It follows a infinite of tremendous dimensions, in which each point represents a possible solution to the job. In this labyrinth of solutions, merely a few, if non merely one, to the full satisfy the list of restraints that give form to the job. The jobs of optimisation, normally associated with the satisfaction of restraints, specify a existence of solutions, go forthing the familial algorithm to find the overall solution, or a solution acceptable as a restriction on the clip of action of the algorithm. The familial algorithms are search algorithms based on mechanisms of natural choice and genetic sciences. Normally used to work out optimisation jobs, where the infinite of hunt is great and conventional methods is inefficient ( R. Lewis and B. Paechter,2005 ) . Characteristic The nomenclature they are associated to interpret the import of indispensable constructs of genetic sciences and guesses the importance attributed to the interaction of these constructs. The construct of population, like figure of persons of the same species, is extended to unreal species. Persons are usually represented by sequences of Numberss: the genotype. The Numberss, or instead, a aggregation of Numberss, is the familial heritage of the person, finding their features, that is, its phenotype. The familial algorithms differ from traditional methods of research and optimisation, chiefly in four facets: Work with a codification of the set of parametric quantities and non with their ain parametric quantities. Work with a population and non with a individual point. Uses information from or derive cost and non derived or other subsidiary cognition. Uses regulations of passage chance and non deterministic. The solutions interact, mix up and bring forth progeny ( kids ) trusting that retaining the features â€Å" good † of their rise ( parents ) , which may be seen as a local hunt, but widespread. Not merely is the vicinity of a simple solution exploited, but besides the vicinity of a whole population. The members of the population are called persons or chromosomes. As in natural development, the chromosomes are the basal stuff ( practical, in this instance ) of heredity. It presently uses a map of rating that associates each person, a existent figure that translates to version. Then, in a mode straight relative to the value of their version, are selected braces of chromosomes that will traverse themselves. Here, can be considered the choice with elitism, or guarantee that the best solution is portion of the new coevals. His crossing is the consequence of unreal choice, sing more altered those that best run into the specific conditions of the job. The crossing of the numerical sequences promotes the outgrowth of new sequences, formed from the first. With a chance established, after traversing, a mutant can go on, where a cistron of chromosome alterations. These new persons are the 2nd coevals of persons and grade the terminal of rhythm of the familial algorithm. The figure of rhythms to execute depends on the context of the job and the degree of quality ( partial or full satisfaction of the limitations ) , which is intended for the solution. A SIMPLE GENETIC ALGORITHM DESCRIBES THE FOLLOWING CYCLEThere are eight measure in familial algorithm rhythm which is: Coevals of random n chromosomes that form the initial population. Appraisal of each person of the population. Confirmation of the expiration standards. If verify expiration standard – rhythm stoping. Choice of n/2 braces of chromosomes for crossing over. Reproduction of chromosomes with recombination and mutant. New population of chromosomes called new coevals. Travel back to step 2. The rhythm described above is illustrated in Figure 2.1. Fig. 2.1. Basic construction of the familial algorithmLow-level formattingInitially many single solutions are indiscriminately generated to organize an initial population. The population size depends on the nature of the job, but typically contains several 100s or 1000s of possible solutions. Traditionally, the population is generated indiscriminately, covering the full scope of possible solutions ( the hunt infinite ) . Occasionally, the solutions may be seeded in countries where optimum solutions are likely to be found ( R. Lewis and B. Paechter,2005 ) .ChoiceDuring each consecutive coevals, a proportion of the bing population is selected to engender a new coevals. Individual solutions are selected through a fitness-based procedure, where fitter solutions ( as measured by a fittingness map ) are typically more likely to be selected. Certain selection methods rate the fittingness of each solution and preferentially choose the best solutions. Other methods rate merely a random sample of the population, as this procedure may be really time-consuming ( R. Lewis and B. Paechter,2005 ) . Most maps are stochastic and designed so that a little proportion of less fit solutions are selected. This helps maintain the diverseness of the population big, preventing premature convergence on hapless solutions. Popular and well-studied choice methods include roulette wheel choice and tournament choice ( R. Lewis and B. Paechter,2005 ) .ReproductionThe following measure is to bring forth a 2nd coevals population of solutions from those selected through familial operators: crossing over ( besides called recombination ) , and/or mutant. For each new solution to be produced, a brace of â€Å" parent † solutions is selected for engendering from the pool selected antecedently. By bring forthing a â€Å" kid † solution utilizing the above methods of crossing over and mutant, a new solution is created which typically portions many of the features of its â€Å" parents † . New parents are selected for each new kid, and the procedure continues until a new population of solutions of appropriate size is generated. Although reproduction methods that are based on the usage of two parents are more â€Å" biological science divine † , some research suggests more than two â€Å" parents † are better to be used to reproduce a good quality chromosome ( R. Lewis and B. Paechter,2005 ) . These processes finally consequence in the following coevals population of chromosomes that is different from the initial coevals. By and large the mean fittingness will hold increased by this process for the population, since merely the best being from the first coevals are selected for genteelness, along with a little proportion of less fit solutions, for grounds already mentioned above.TerminationThis generational procedure is repeated until a expiration status has been reached ( R. Lewis and B. Paechter,2005 ) . Common terminating conditions are: A solution is found that satisfies minimal standards. Fixed figure of coevalss reached. Allocated budget ( calculation time/money ) reached. The highest superior solution ‘s fittingness is making or has reached a tableland such that consecutive loops no longer bring forth better consequences. Manual review. Combinations of the above.2.3 Related Work2.4 SummaryFamilial Algorithm is the best algorithm in timetabling job. The consequences in GAs are better optimized than the traditional method based on try-check rules on scheduling system. Some research worker had different sentiment on the advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms. Although there are new method on optimising consequence, GAs is still the chosen method in timetabling job.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Barack Obama - Knox College Commencement Address

Barack Obama Commencement Address at Knox College delivered 4 June 2005, Galesburg, Illinois You know, it has been about six months now since you sent me to Washington as your United States Senator. I recognize that not all of you voted for me, so for those of you muttering under your breath I didn’t send you anywhere, thats ok too. Maybe we’ll hold What do you call it? a little Pumphandle after the ceremony. Change your mind for the next time. It has been a fascinating journey thus far. Each time I walk onto the Senate floor, Im reminded of the history, for good and for ill, that has been made there. But there have been a few surreal moments. For example, I remember the day before I was sworn in, myself and my staff, we decided to hold a press conference in our office. Now, keep in mind that I am ranked 99th in seniority. I was proud that I wasn’t ranked dead last until I found out that it’s just because Illinois is bigger than Colorado. So I’m 99th in seniority, and all the reporters are crammed into the tiny transition office that I have, which is right next to the janitor’s closet in the basement of the Dirksen Office Building. It’s my first day in the building, I have not taken a single vote, I have not introduced one bill, had not even sat down in my desk, and this very earnest reporter raises his hand and says: â€Å"Senator Obama, what is your place in history?† I did what you just did, which is laugh out loud. I said, place in history? I thought he was kidding. At that point, I wasn’t even sure the other Senators would save a place for me at the cool kids’ table. But as I was thinking about the words to share with this class, about what’s next, about what’s possible, and what opportunities lay ahead, I actually think it’s not a bad question for you, the class of 2005, to ask yourselves: What will be your place in history? In other eras, across distant lands, this question could be answered with relative ease and certainty. As a servant in Rome, you knew you’d spend your life forced to build somebody else’s Empire. As a peasant in 11th Century China, you knew that no matter how hard you worked, the local warlord might come and take everything you had and you also knew that famine might come knocking at the door. As a subject of King George, you knew that your freedom of worship and your freedom to speak and to build your own life would be ultimately limited by the throne. And then America happened. A place where destiny was not a destination, but a journey to be shared and shaped and remade by people who had the gall, the temerity to believe that, against all odds, they could form â€Å"a more perfect union† on this new frontier. And as people around the world began to hear the tale of the lowly colonists who overthrew an empire for the sake of an idea, they started to come. Across oceans and the ages, they settled in Boston and Charleston, Chicago and St. Louis, Kalamazoo and Galesburg, to try and build their own American Dream. This collective dream moved forward imperfectly it was scarred by our treatment of native peoples, betrayed by slavery, clouded by the subjugation of women, shaken by war and depression. And yet, brick by brick, rail by rail, calloused hand by calloused hand, people kept dreaming, and building, and working, and marching, and petitioning their government, until they made America a land where the question of our place in history is not answered for us. It’s answered by us. Have we failed at times? Absolutely. Will you occasionally fail when you embark on your own American journey? You surely will. But the test is not perfection. The true test of the American ideal is whether we’re able to recognize our failings and then rise together to meet the challenges of our time. Whether we allow ourselves to be shaped by events and history, or whether we act to shape them. Whether chance of birth or circumstance decides life’s big winners and losers, or whether we build a community where, at the very least, everyone has a chance to work hard, get ahead, and reach their dreams. We have faced this choice before. At the end of the Civil War, when farmers and their families began moving into the cities to work in the big factories that were sprouting up all across America, we had to decide: Do we do nothing and allow captains of industry and robber barons to run roughshod over the economy and workers by competing to see who can pay the lowest wages at the worst working conditions? Or do we try to make the system work by setting up basic rules for the market, instituting the first public schools, busting up monopolies, letting workers organize into unions? We chose to act, and we rose together. When the irrational exuberance of the Roaring Twenties came crashing down with the stock market, we had to decide: do we follow the call of leaders who would do nothing, or the call of a leader who, perhaps because of his physical paralysis, refused to accept political paralysis? We chose to act regulating the market, putting people back to work, expanding bargaining rights to include health care and a secure retirement and together we rose. When World War II required the most massive home front mobilization in history and we needed every single American to lend a hand, we had to decide: Do we listen to skeptics who told us it wasn’t possible to produce that many tanks and planes? Or, did we build Roosevelt’s Arsenal for Democracy and grow our economy even further by providing our returning heroes with a chance to go to college and own their own home? Again, we chose to act, and again, we rose together. Today, at the beginning of this young century, we have to decide again. But this time, it is your turn to choose. Here in Galesburg, you know what this new challenge is. You’ve seen it. All of you, your first year in college saw what happened at 9/11. It’s already been noted, the degree to which your lives will be intertwined with the war on terrorism that currently is taking place. But what you’ve also seen, perhaps not as spectacularly, is the fact that when you drive by the old Maytag plant around lunchtime, no one walks out anymore. I saw it during the campaign when I met union guys who worked at the plant for 20, 30 years and now wonder what they’re gonna do at the age of 55 without a pension or health care; when I met the man who’s son needed a new liver but because he’d been laid off, didn’t know if he could afford to provide his child the care that he needed. It’s as if someone changed the rules in the middle of the game and no wonder no one bothered to tell these folks. And, in reality, the rules have changed. It started with technology and automation that rendered entire occupations obsolete. When was the last time anybody here stood in line for the bank teller instead of going to the ATM, or talked to a switchboard operator? Then it continued when companies like Maytag were able to pick up and move their factories to some under developed country where workers were a lot cheaper than they are in the United States. As Tom Friedman points out in his new book, The World Is Flat, over the last decade or so, these forces technology and globalization have combined like never before. So that while most of us have been paying attention to how much easier technology has made our own lives sending e-mails back and forth on our blackberries, surfing the Web on our cell phones, instant messaging with friends across the world a quiet revolution has been breaking down barriers and connecting the world’s economies. Now business not only has the ability to move jobs wherever there’s a factory, but wherever there’s an internet connection. Countries like India and China realized this. They understand that they no longer need to be just a source of cheap labor or cheap exports. They can compete with us on a global scale. The one resource they needed were skilled, educated workers. So they started schooling their kids earlier, longer, with a greater emphasis on math and science and technology, until their most talented students realized they don’t have to come to America to have a decent life they can stay right where they are. The result? China is graduating four times the number of engineers that the United States is graduating. Not only are those Maytag employees competing with Chinese and Indian and Indonesian and Mexican workers, you are too. Today, accounting firms are e-mailing your tax returns to workers in India who will figure them out and send them back to you as fast as any worker in Illinois or Indiana could. When you lose your luggage in Boston at an airport, tracking it down may involve a call to an agent in Bangalore, who will find it by making a phone call to Baltimore. Even the Associated Press has outsourced some of their jobs to writers all over the world who can send in a story at a click of a mouse. As Prime Minister Tony Blair has said, in this new economy, Talent is the 21st century wealth. If youve got the skills, youve got the education, and you have the opportunity to upgrade and improve both, you’ll be able to compete and win anywhere. If not, the fall will be further and harder than it ever was before. So what do we do about this? How does America find its way in this new, global economy? What will our place in history be? Like so much of the American story, once again, we face a choice. Once again, there are those who believe that there isn’t much we can do about this as a nation. That the best idea is to give everyone one big refund on their government divvy it up by individual portions, in the form of tax breaks, hand it out, and encourage everyone to use their share to go buy their own health care, their own retirement plan, their own child care, their own education, and so on. In Washington, they call this the Ownership Society. But in our past there has been another term for it Social Darwinism every man or woman for him or herself. It’s a tempting idea, because it doesn’t require much thought or ingenuity. It allows us to say that those whose health care or tuition may rise faster than they can afford tough luck. It allows us to say to the Maytag workers who have lost their job life isn’t fair. It let’s us say to the child who was born into poverty pull yourself up by your bootstraps. And it is especially tempting because each of us believes we will always be the winner in life’s lottery, that we’re the one who will be the next Donald Trump, or at least we won’t be the chump who Donald Trump says: â€Å"You’re fired!† But there is a problem. It won’t work. It ignores our history. It ignores the fact that it’s been government research and investment that made the railways possible and the internet possible. It’s been the creation of a massive middle class, through decent wages and benefits and public schools that allowed us all to prosper. Our economic dependence depended on individual initiative. It depended on a belief in the free market; but it has also depended on our sense of mutual regard for each other, the idea that everybody has a stake in the country, that we’re all in it together and everybody’s got a shot at opportunity. That’s what’s produced our unrivaled political stability. And so if we do nothing in the face of globalization, more people will continue to lose their health care. Fewer kids will be able to afford the diploma you’re about to receive. More companies like United Airlines won’t be able to provide pensions for their employees. And those Maytag workers will be joined in the unemployment line by any worker whose skills can be bought and sold on the global market. So today I’m here to tell you what most of you already know. This is not us the option that I just mentioned. Doing nothing. It’s not how our story ends not in this country. America is a land of big dreamers and big hopes. It is this hope that has sustained us through revolution and civil war, depression and world war, a struggle for civil and social rights and the brink of nuclear crisis. And it is because our dreamers dreamed that we have emerged from each challenge more united, more prosperous, and more admired than before. So let’s dream. Instead of doing nothing or simply defending 20th century solutions, let’s imagine together what we could do to give every American a fighting chance in the 21st century. What if we prepared every child in America with the education and skills they need to compete in the new economy? If we made sure that college was affordable for everyone who wanted to go? If we walked up to those Maytag workers and we said â€Å"Your old job is not coming back, but a new job will be there because we’re going to seriously retrain you and there’s life-long education that’s waiting for you the sorts of opportunities that Knox has created with the Strong Futures scholarship program. What if no matter where you worked or how many times you switched jobs, you had health care and a pension that stayed with you always, so you all had the flexibility to move to a better job or start a new business? What if instead of cutting budgets for research and development and science, we fueled the genius and the innovation that will lead to the new jobs and new industries of the future? Right now, all across America, there are amazing discoveries being made. If we supported these discoveries on a national level, if we committed ourselves to investing in these possibilities, just imagine what it could do for a town like Galesburg. Ten or twenty years down the road, that old Maytag plant could re-open its doors as an Ethanol refinery that turned corn into fuel. Down the street, a biotechnology research lab could open up on the cusp of discovering a cure for cancer. And across the way, a new auto company could be busy churning out electric cars. The new jobs created would be filled by American workers trained with new skills and a world-class education. All of that is possible but none of it will come easy. Every one of us is going to have to work more, read more, train more, think more. We will have to slough off some bad habits like driving gas guzzlers that weaken our economy and feed our enemies abroad. Our children will have to turn off the TV set once in a while and put away the video games and start hitting the books. We’ll have to reform institutions, like our public schools, that were designed for an earlier time. Republicans will have to recognize our collective responsibilities, even as Democrats recognize that we have to do more than just defend old programs. It won’t be easy, but it can be done. It can be our future. We have the talent and the resources and brainpower. But now we need the political will. We need a national commitment. And we need each of you. Now, no one can force you to meet these challenges. If you want, it will be pretty easy for you to leave here today and not give another thought to towns like Galesburg and the challenges they face. There is no community service requirement in the real world; no one is forcing you to care. You can take your diploma, walk off this stage, and go chasing after the big house, and the nice suits, and all the other things that our money culture says that you should want, that you should aspire to, that you can buy. But I hope you don’t walk away from the challenge. Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. You need to take up the challenges that we face as a nation and make them your own. Not because you have a debt to those who helped you get here, although you do have that debt. Not because you have an obligation to those who are less fortunate than you, although I do think you do have that obligation. It’s primarily because you have an obligation to yourself. Because individual salvation has always depended on collective salvation. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. And I know that all of you are wondering how you’ll do this, the challenges seem so big. They seem so difficult for one person to make a difference. But we know it can be done. Because where you’re sitting, in this very place, in this town, it’s happened before. Nearly two centuries ago, before civil rights, before voting rights, before Abraham Lincoln, before the Civil War, before all of that, America was stained by the sin of slavery. In the sweltering heat of southern plantations, men and women who looked like me could not escape the life of pain and servitude in which they were sold. And yet, year after year, as this moral cancer ate away at the American ideals of liberty and equality, the nation was silent. But its people didn’t stay silent for long. One by one, abolitionists emerged to tell their fellow Americans that this would not be our place in history that this was not the America that had captured the imagination of the world. This resistance that they met was fierce, and some paid with their lives. But they would not be deterred, and they soon spread out across the country to fight for their cause. One man from New York went west, all the way to the prairies of Illinois to start a colony. And here in Galesburg, freedom found a home. Here in Galesburg, the main depot for the Underground Railroad in Illinois, escaped slaves could roam freely on the streets and take shelter in people’s homes. And when their masters or the police would come for them, the people of this town would help them escape north, some literally carrying them in their arms to freedom. Think about the risks that involved. If they were caught abetting a fugitive, you could’ve been jailed or lynched. It would have been simple for these townspeople to turn the other way; to go live their lives in a private peace. And yet, they didn’t do that. Why? Because they knew that we were all Americans; that we were all brothers and sisters; the same reason that a century later, young men and women your age would take Freedom Rides down south, to work for the Civil Rights movement. The same reason that black women would walk instead of ride a bus after a long day of doing somebody else’s laundry and cleaning somebody else’s kitchen. Because they were marching for freedom. Today, on this day of possibility, we stand in the shadow of a lanky, raw-boned man with little formal education who once took the stage at Old Main and told the nation that if anyone did not believe the American principles of freedom and equality, that those principles were timeless and all-inclusive, they should go rip that page out of the Declaration of Independence. My hope for all of you is that as you leave here today, you decide to keep these principles alive in your own life and in the life of this country. You will be tested. You won’t always succeed. But know that you have it within your power to try. That generations who have come before you faced these same fears and uncertainties in their own time. And that through our collective labor, and through God’s providence, and our willingness to shoulder each other’s burdens, America will continue on its precious journey towards that distant horizon, and a better day. Thank you so much class of 2005, and congratulations on your graduation. Thank you. Good morning President Taylor, Board of Trustees, faculty, parents, family, friends, the community of Galesburg, the class of 1955 which I understand was out partying last night, and yet still showed up here on time and most of all, the Class of 2005. Congratulations on your graduation, and thank you thank you for the honor of allowing me to be a part of it. Thank you also, Mr. President, for this honorary degree. It was only a couple of years ago that I stopped paying my student loans in law school. Had I known it was this easy, I would have ran [sic] for the United States Senate earlier.

Friday, September 27, 2019

WMD Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

WMD - Research Paper Example Some scholars of the world have often referred to the disease as ‘rabbit fever’. The disease is less contagious hence not communicable and individuals can only contract the disease upon breathing in the dust that is contaminated with the Francisella tularensis virus, drinking water or eating food contaminated with the virus, being bitten by an insect that is infected with the disease and touching the wounds, hair, skin of both the infected animals and human beings. The Department of Health and Human services (HHS), Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP), Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH) as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation would adequately respond to the Francisella tularensis virus release situation since it is a bioterrorist event. The local law enforcing agencies as well as the Texas Health Department would also play a significant role in containing the incidence. At this juncture, the different health agencies will work towards minimizing the number of casualties by all means possible. The emergency response system in Texas would be fully tasked and resources fully committed. The Texas Health Department (THD), health care physicians and other medical practitioners would work for long hours to try and contain this situation. Resources within the Texas hospitals in this regard would be strained and eventually drained. Chen is a medical chief at Harborview Medical Center and also an associate professor in the University of Washington. Hickner is a professor of Family Clinical medicine and a Head of Department in the University Of Illinois College Of Medicine. Dr. Fink is a physician practicing family medicine. Calligher is one of the best research consultants in America while Dr Helen is the vice president of National Quality Forum (NQF). The main aim of this article was to establish the nature of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Iron and Hemochromatosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Iron and Hemochromatosis - Essay Example A defect in this gene results in a mutation that disturbs this normal function, and iron metabolism is altered so that a large amount of iron is absorbed from the small bowel, about 1mg excess daily (Sardesai, 2012). The mutation most commonly causing hereditary hemochromatosis is when tyrosine is substituted for cysteine in the C282Y protein sequence. When a child inherits C282Y from both parents, the child is most likely to have hemochromatosis 0.5% of the United States Caucasian population has hemochromatosis (Victoria, 2011). If untreated, about 90% of the excess iron remains in hepatocytes, which are the main cells that function in the liver. Most remaining iron is stored in the functioning cells of the pancreas, anterior pituitary gland, joints, and heart. The endocrine disorder can cause diabetes, pigmentation, and cirrhosis in severe cases. A person can die from cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, cardiomyopathy, or diabetes (Powell & Fischer, 2005). Normal life expectancy can result if the disease is diagnosed early and if the person is given phlebotomy therapy. Therapeutic phlebotomy removes 200-250 mg of elemental iron for every 450-500 ml of blood. This is done weekly so that enough body iron stores are depleted (Adams & Barton, 2010). Before each treatment, the concentration of hemoglobin should be recorded. How much therapeutic phlebotomy is needed depends on the concentration of serum ferritin and hepatic iron. These are used as estimates of treatment needs. Excess iron is completely depleted when serum ferritin concentration is 10-20 ng/ml. This takes about one year (Gropper & Smith, 2013). 5-B) Would you expect the prevalence of the symptomatic hemochromatosis to increase or decrease with the introduction of an iron fortification program or an increase in the intake of bioavailable iron. Is there research to support your answer? The body does not have a way to eliminate excess iron naturally, and serum ferritin must be kept at less

Cracker Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cracker Control - Assignment Example They also need a Backtrack Live CD and a compatible wireless adapter that links with CommVIew for Wireless hotspots (Philip, 2008). These tools enable the wireless card to assume a monitor mode that helps in capturing data packets. A strong Wi-Fi network signal also enables the cracker to connect and disconnect from my network with ease. Hydra is another tool that performs fast dictionary attacks against numerous protocols thus facilitating cracking of systems. Numerous security principles or processes can address this problem when effectively implemented. These include the establishment of access control mechanisms and End-to-end encryption. Moreover, SSID hiding, MAC ID filtering, Static IP addressing, access control and integrity controls, and training on computer security can address this problem (Federal Trade Commission, 2011). We should also configure router passwords and firewall that prevent Wireless hotspots (Kent & Steiner, 2011). Other security principles include identifying the kind and purpose of personal information stored in files and on the computer (Federal Trade Commission, 2011). Keeping only the relevant information and disposing of irrelevant data in a proper manner can help in addressing this problem. Moreover, protecting stored data and establishing proper measures of responding to security threats avert cracking (Federal Trade Commission, 2011). Ultimately, nobody should divulge personal data without proper authori zation. These measures can limit crackers from gaining control of my network and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Accountability and KPI in M-Form Organization Essay

Accountability and KPI in M-Form Organization - Essay Example    Accountability means being answerable to the consequences of one’s actions in the business organization by virtue of the exercise of power given. Personal accountability is preparedness to have responsibility for the consequences of a person’s actions.The leaders and managers of organizations need the same in order to be able to deliver results. They could do the same by first setting a measurable a target to investors that would amount to a promise or commitment. This is where the concept of accountability would have its value at is would mean the leaders and managers can be considered reliable, dependable, or trustworthy in their promises. That what they speak or tell or promise as the organization takes risk its activities would come about. Thus, accountable people are known to have integrity. Investors would, therefore, expect prudence, competence, and wisdom from leaders on how they will deliver on their promise. If they promise a too rosy or optimistic pictur e, they could lose their reliability to investors. They would lose their being honorable. In effect to have accountability is to have honor which must be had in the responsibility, to tell the truth and to have fidelity to their promise. A corporate report that something external and went beyond their control could be acceptable to still to investors and stockholders if such was the truth and these leaders or managers have indeed been faith to their commitments but investors would understand if them if the latter have integrity.   

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Criminology- To what extent are prison suicides in the UK a Essay

Criminology- To what extent are prison suicides in the UK a consequence of prisons being used to accommodate too many people with mental health problems - Essay Example Insufficient mental health treatment is provided by those in charge in the prisons. Extremely harsh, terrifying, and bleak facts are also revealed by a research study lately about the ten most horrific prisons of all times in the world according to which prisoners irrespective of their histories are kept unacceptably jam-packed like animals. The UK prisons are also teeming with psychopath prisoners to some extent who have severe mental health issues like major depression, anxiety, paranoia, and suicide idealization. Overcrowding is blamed for 37% rise in prison suicide among inmates living together in prison systems which have no good management (Woodward 2008). Concerning the alarming situation that as many as 9 out of 10 prisoners in UK are subjected to deal with the rough consequences of depression, paranoia, drug or alcohol abuse, anxiety, and personality disorders, the claim that the rough prison atmosphere in UK might be the reason behind growing number of suicides reported by prison officials starts appearing to be valid and acceptable. â€Å"More than two-thirds of all men, women and children in prison have two or more mental health problems such as depression and anxiety† (PRISON REFORM TRUST 2010). The incidence of mental or personality disorders is really not that common among the normal population and this frequency of ill mental health gives rise to prison suicides which are becoming more frequent in UK now than ever before. There definitely exists a connection between overcrowding in jails and suicide attempts by prisoners. Jails in UK are under pressure from overcrowding and more often than not, they cave in to this pr essure with the result that the statistical data revealed by prison officials identifies that â€Å"the number of prisoners who killed themselves in jail rose significantly in 2007† (BBC

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Story of an Hour by kate chopin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Story of an Hour by kate chopin - Essay Example This also shows that the aspect of her seclusion to rediscover her emotions is vital. The narrator has critically analyzed her internal mental world, unlike her external world outside her bedroom. The window outside her room is vibrant and alive similar to her mental aspect while covering everything about her physical aspect. While the blatant use of some words is proof of this internal world, there are several cases of playful or ironic usage certain images or phrases to show the character’s joy in the story and the underlying message that marriage is limiting. The fact that at the end she also dies because of the excess happiness in many ways is symbolic of the â€Å"marriage† disease. Unless her antagonist â€Å"husband† is not present, she can never feel free much like an affliction. The detail that it is only her heart that is affected as compared to the entire body is indicative that her sadness from this disease symbolically stems from some internal factor. For example, in the description of her husband’s face, it is evident that he had affection for her sentiments that she does not reciprocate (Chopkins 7). This kind of direct and simple language is utilized only to highlight the things the main character hates. Therefore, the language shows that she never actually lov ed her husband. This helps bring out and simplify the language construct in the story for easier understanding of the character. The language becomes rich and lively with vibrant images and color when louse’s emotions are described in detail in regards to the things she likes. This contrasts sharply with the areas where the character is emotionally unattached or indifferent. The contrasts in some of the sentences in the book help highlight the characters responsive indifference. However, as the story progresses, the character and language come alive, as her real feelings are shown

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Students with Exceptional needs Essay Example for Free

Students with Exceptional needs Essay I observed a student with delayed developmental milestones in One Tree School. The student has very slow catching up capacity and according to her teacher she is left behind most of the time by the class. Her teacher ensures that before presenting lectures in class, he make a simplified copy of lecture notes which is given to the student. The teacher assures me that the teaching standards offered to the class are understandable to the student with delayed developmental milestone. In addition the student is given tape recorded material to assist her in re-evaluating the lectures after classes. The class environment is very favourable for this student because there are other three students with exceptional needs in the same class room. The school administration has established policies which ensure that all students with exceptional needs are served well and accorded quality standardized education. Other students in the classroom, who have no exceptional needs have been advised on how to handle, cope with, and assist this student to increase her understanding abilities. I asked to read the child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and her teacher was very cooperative. The IEP of this student has been well designed based on her disability and knowledge capacity. It has included all the knowledge and skills which the students need in order to progress to the next grade. The IEP of this student has specifically included her educational program which is English language arts program. The IEP analyzes her current performance in class based on the examination and test results given by teachers, parents and other school staff. According to the individual education plan her disability has not affected her class work much because she is a bright student who is willing to learn. The IEP shows the annual goals and objectives which she is required to accomplish in terms of academic or behavioral needs. She has made measuring progress in her previous grades according to the achieved objectives. All special education services are included in the IEP and provided to the child. However, she is not allowed to participate in academic contests which involve arithmetic and geometry studies. She picks up very slowly both academically and socially. She has difficulty catching up with teachers in class especially when the presentation is very fast. She has a problem in finishing her class work assignments on time due to a slow speed of understanding. The student experiences difficulty in socializing and making friends with classmates and schoolmates. She spends most time in isolation and has developed low self esteem and lack of confidence. Teachers and the girl’s parents have collaborated to initiate measures which ensure the student’s needs are met. The girl is given extra tutoring after school and assessed using individual tests to update her academic level. Support groups are put up in place in the school to assist her in developing social and interpersonal skills. I would change the instructional delivery system by ensuring that the child is allowed to participate in challenging events such as geometry contests and taking arithmetic assignments to improve her overall understanding level. This will increase her self esteem and level of confidence. It will allow her to adapt in any kind of environment, despite her delayed developmental milestones. The student should be widely consulted and assessed to create instructions that will be effective in providing all required knowledge and skills. Grade Four English-language Arts Content Standards. Reading 1. 0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Students understand the basic features of reading. They select letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics, syllabication, and word parts. They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent oral and silent reading. Word Recognition 1. 1 Read narrative and expository text aloud with grade-appropriate fluency and accuracy and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Vocabulary and Concept Development 1. 2 Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to determine the meaning of words and phrases. 1. 3 Use knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of unknown words within a passage. 1. 4 Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e. g. , international). 1. 5 Use a thesaurus to determine related words and concepts. 1. 6 Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Work-related stress amongst employees

Work-related stress amongst employees In the main, business managers are failing to deal with the problem of work-related stress amongst employees. Work-related stress is a common problem of modern lifestyle which has spread all over the world and touched almost all vocations (Life, nd, p.1). Job stress is a chronic disease caused by condition in the workplace that negatively affects an individuals performance and/or overall well-being of his body and mind (Life, nd, p.1). Sources of work-related stress include high demand of performance, family pressure, poor interpersonal relationships and career concerns. The consequence of the stress will lead to less self-confidence, worse performance and even suicide. As the stress which detrimental to peoples health has become more and more severely, how to cope with the situation is attracting increasing peoples attention. This essay focuses on problems of athletes stress and submits some solutions to the problems for sports managers. The natures of the stress can be split into two parts: physical symptoms and behavioral symptoms (speaking book, 2008). The physical symptoms include: tiredness, nausea, headaches, muscle tension, nervous twitches and altered sleep patterns. Aggression, anxiety, poor decision-making, inability to prioritize, mood changes, difficulty in concentrating, feelings of failure and isolation are belonging to behavioral symptoms (speaking book, 2008, p.95). All of these symptoms can reflect the athletes work-related stress. The causes of the athletes job stress are intricate and complex. They can be mostly divided into 4 parts-environmental issues, personal issues, leadership issues and team issues respectively. Firstly, environmental issues, which include selection, finance, and training environment, is a factor that contributes to the stress (Tim Lew, 2001). Selection is consisted of late selection, a lengthy selection process and unfair selection system. Some athletes illustrate that they feel nervous and tense if they do not know whether they will be chosen for competition. They fear that they will not have enough time to prepare the competition which lead to the stress. And some unfair selection also causes the stress of athletes as they can not obtain the chance of equal competition (Tim Lew, 2001). Finances play an important role in stress. It includes not having enough funding money and differential financial support. Athletes spend most of time on training so that they do not have extra time for earning money. Therefore, they have to obtain the funding from sport organization, sponsorship or family. If the financial support is not enough or is poorly managed, athletes will feel depressive and anxiety (Tim Lew, 2001). Training environment may be being able to lead to the athletes stress if athletes exist in the two opposite environments at the same time. The incompatible environment will make athletes feel uncomfortable. The second part which is the most important one is personal issues. Personal issues contain nutrition, career concern, interpersonal relationship, injury and external distractions (Tom, et al 2000; Tim Lew, 2001). Poor provision of food and disorder eating habit will lead to innutrition or obesity which will influence the athletes performance (Tim Lew, 2001). A female athlete says that diet is her worst puzzle, which will lead to stress (Tim Lew, 2001). A study shows that external distractions (23%) and career concern (19%) are the two major causes for stress (Pensgaard, 1998). Roberston Cooper(1983) believe that career stagnation, high expectation from other people and unrealistic goals, which are the main components of career concern, may give rise to stress if athletes fail to achieve the expectation and goals (Tom, et al 2000). At the same time, external influence also brings stress to athletes. The press, media, spectators and family make athletes distract from their work wh ich consequently influence their performance (Pensgaard, 1998). For example, David Beckham, who is a talented football player, fell out with his coach because the coach thought that David paid more attention on entertainment area than on training. Such action had impeded his development of football skill. At that time, David also had to face a big stress from his wife, who was his manager for planning the commercial activities. Poor interpersonal relationships in a team are another factor of stress. There are three important sets of relationships-relationships with sports managers, with coaches and with teammates. Low interpersonal support from sports managers, coaches and teammates will be linked with high anxiety, tension and low performance satisfaction which increase the risk of obtaining pressure (Tom, et al 2000). In addition, injury, which is the worst thing for athletes, often results in pressure. Most of the athletes who get hurt will worry about their career as they fear that they can not get opportunities to go to the competition or they will lag behind because of less training (Tim Lew, 2001). The third part of the cause is leadership issues which focus on the aspect of coach. Coachs differential treatment of athletes, overbearing coach, coach very demanding and coach-athlete tension are the reasons of athletes pressure (Tim Lew, 2001). Coachs attitude influences athletes deeply because he plays a vital role in a team and has the right to decide which athlete will be chosen for competition. Most of athletes fear that they will be ignored by their coach and some athletes feel stress as they can not bear the workload (Tim Lew, 2001). Moreover, coaching style is another cause of athletes stress. Some athletes can not adapt to different coaching styles which may deter their development. The poor performance of an athlete results in a rise of the pressure (Tim Lew, 2001). Team issues, as the last part of the cause, can not be ignored. It main includes: team atmosphere, communication and support (Tim Lew, 2001).Team atmosphere is a main issue which relates to the tension between the athletes. A new team member, injured athletes and separate groups within team may lead to the poor team atmospheres which engender a tense situation in the team. The supports from teammates, coaches and sports managers are the mental underpinning of athletes which make them get rid of the negative mood. Without support, athletes may feel helpless and even stress (Tim Lew, 2001). Persistent stress may result in long term consequences which may alter the way the athletes feel, thinks and behaves, and may also change their physiological function (Stansfeld et al, 1999; SanterMurphy, 1995; Cincirpini et al, 1984; Stainbrak Green, 1983, cited in Tom, et al 2000). Effects of athletes stress may work on individuals and teams respectively. For individuals, effects of stress may include: sleep disturbances, headaches, gastrointestinal upset, cardiovascular disease, anxiety and depression, labile emotions, less of concentration, lack of motivation, substance misuse and poor performance (University of Cambridge, 2008). While for team, consequences of stress may mean low morale, increased athletes complaints, increased accidents, high absenteeism and poor performance which will influence the development of the team (University of Cambridge, 2008). Because of the high dangers of the athletes stress, how to tackle the problem has become the focus of sports managers. There are some solutions can be used to help sports managers cope with the stress of athletes. First of all, sports managers have to take responsibility for athletes diets and ensure athletes maintain good nutrition (Dean, 2007). Secondly, sports managers should prevent athletes from working overload. Therefore, they should give athletes manageable training schedule so that they will not feel too tired. Keep good relationship with athletes and manage the relationship between athletes are both important for sports managers. The supports from teammates, coaches and sports managers are the mental underpinning of athletes which can help them release from stress (Tim Lew, 2001). To athletes, stress is a persistent problem which often influences their performance and life. Although sports managers are trying to deal with the situation and some of them have been taken some solutions, athletes continue to be affected by stress problem (Pensgaard, 1998). The solution taken by sports managers, such as effective time management, health diet and keeping good relationship, are useful at the certain extent. However, some accidents which can not be predicted by sports managers would also result the stress. So, while deal with the existing stress is important, detecting the possible sources of stress for athletes may be is a more effective way to avoid the happening of pressure (Pensgaard, 1998). Bibliography Pensgaard AM, Ursin H. (1998). Stress, control, and coping in elite athletes in Scand J Med Sci Sports Journal Vol. 8 pp183-189 Tim, W. Lew. H. (2001). A case study of Organizational Stress in Elite Sportin APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY Journal Vol. 13 pp207-238 Tom. C et al. (2000) Research on Work-related Stress. Bilbao: European Agency for Safety and Health at work (see Epi) Life. Stress at work. Joan, M. Sebastian W. (2008) English for Academic Study: Speaking. England: Garnet Publishing Ltd Human Resources Division of Cambridge University. (2008) Effects of Work-Related Stress> [Accessed on 27/5/2008] Dean H. (2007) Stress and the Athlete> [Access on 16/12/2007]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Electronic Surveillance: Who Is Watching You? Essay -- Privacy vs Elec

When one walks out the front door into the world, how aware and conscious are they of how often they are watched, tracked, and monitored? Through surveillance, everywhere one goes they are having their lives watched and invaded by prying eyes. Most people believe society needs electronic surveillance and that it is there to protect them. Others believe society does not need surveillance and worry about their privacy being invaded. Many argue about different issues relating to the costly use of surveillance. Electronic surveillance has a broad range of purposes dealing with past, present, and future events. There needs to be a balance between the benefits that surveillance employs in society and the misuse of surveillance that encroaches on the privacy of all. Although some are good and some are not, there are several purposes and reasons why society uses electronic surveillance. One main purpose of surveillance, and one of the most common, is for the utilization of promoting safety. People in our society want to feel safe from crime and danger in the world around them. Authorities and law officials use the common means of video surveillance to capture those involved with illegal activity. For example, in the article "Protecting Public Anonymity," the authors state how law officials use video surveillance from a mall to monitor shoppers and to discover if there are any "wanted persons." They also screen malls, or highly populated areas, to "track all persons with previous police records or all persons who have specific genetic, behavioral, religious, or cultural profiles that suggest they are more likely to engage in unlawful activities" (Granger, Morgan and Elaine Newton). This creates problems because it is likely that everyon... ...hipps, Jennie L. and Leslie Ryan. "Traffic Cameras Bringing Eyeballs to Station Sites." Electronic Media. 19 (2000): 16. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. Community College Library Media Center. 4 Mar. 2008. Smithsimon, Molly. "Private lives, public spaces: the surveillance state." Dissent 50.1 (Wntr 2003): 43(49). General OneFile. Gale. Community College. 15 Feb. 2008 . Someone's Watching [videorecording]. NY Times/Discovery Times Channel Production. Discovery, [2005]. Surveillance Tech. [video recording]. [United States]: A&E Home Video, 2004 "Watching as you shop." Economist 385.8558(Dec 2007): 28-29. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. Community College Library Media Center. 15 Mar. 2008. "Wireless Eyes Watch for Crime." Communications News 44.9(2007):22-24. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. Community College Library Media Center. 4 Mar. 2008.

The History Of The Industrial Workers of the World :: The History Of The IWW

The Industrial Workers of the World is an ample union who are commonly known as the IWW and the Wobbles. During the time period between 1900 and 1930 the United States focused their attention and was occupied with the Labor Union Movement, which started in the late 1800’s and also World War I which began a later. The IWW stood strong throughout and never gave up for what they were fighting for. This can be seen through their slogan, â€Å"An injury to one is an injury to all.† Their messages were effective and drew a plethora of heads. The IWW accomplished certain goals and acquired a reputation in society during that time even though straight from the start, United States government was not on their side. Founded in 1905 by men with bitter experiences in the labor struggle, the Industrial Workers of the World held their headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were based solely on the fact that workers should be united within a single union and the wage system should be abolished as stated in the preamble to their constitution. "The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth. ... Instead of the conservative motto, 'A fair day's wage for a fair day's work', we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, 'Abolition of the wage system'.† The IWW proclaimed a challenge to existing unions and social order that was dominated by the rise of copious monopolies. The History Of The Industrial Workers of the World :: The History Of The IWW The Industrial Workers of the World is an ample union who are commonly known as the IWW and the Wobbles. During the time period between 1900 and 1930 the United States focused their attention and was occupied with the Labor Union Movement, which started in the late 1800’s and also World War I which began a later. The IWW stood strong throughout and never gave up for what they were fighting for. This can be seen through their slogan, â€Å"An injury to one is an injury to all.† Their messages were effective and drew a plethora of heads. The IWW accomplished certain goals and acquired a reputation in society during that time even though straight from the start, United States government was not on their side. Founded in 1905 by men with bitter experiences in the labor struggle, the Industrial Workers of the World held their headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were based solely on the fact that workers should be united within a single union and the wage system should be abolished as stated in the preamble to their constitution. "The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth. ... Instead of the conservative motto, 'A fair day's wage for a fair day's work', we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, 'Abolition of the wage system'.† The IWW proclaimed a challenge to existing unions and social order that was dominated by the rise of copious monopolies.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How Napoleon Achieved and Maintained Power in George Orwells Animal Fa

How Napoleon Achieved and Maintained Power in George Orwell's Animal Farm Napoleon was a pig in more than one sense. Words that you associate with pigs are not often pleasant. ‘Pig’ referring to one who is greedy and has more than their fair share; ‘pig headed’ refers to one who is extremely stubborn and thinks they are always right; ‘the pigs’ refer to police, or other figures of authority. Napoleon became dictator of Animal Farm merely due to the fact that he was a pig, and had the simplest of leadership skills. He maintained that power by propaganda and running the farm in a fascist, totalitarian manner. Violence, propaganda and the general ignorance of the other farm animals were major roles in keeping Napoleon in power. Power naturally fell to the pigs not because they had earned it, or were the best for the job, but merely as a result of their social standing in the animal hierarchy. ‘‘The work of teaching and organizing the others fell naturally upon the pigs, which were generally recognised as being the cleverest of the animals’ (P.9). The pig, Old Major was considered the oldest and wisest animal on the farm. The other animals may have thought it natural for any other pig to be like him and follow his vision and ethics of Animalism. Whilst Napoleon assumed the role of leader of the revolution, he was only able to maintain this position because the other animals took it for granted that the decisions he made were the right ones. To maintain this position...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

American School System Essay

Schooling is compulsory for all children in the United States, but the age range for which school attendance is required varies from state to state. Most children begin elementary education with kindergarten (usually five to six years old) and finish secondary education with twelfth grade (usually eighteen years old). In some cases, pupils may be promoted beyond the next regular grade. Some states allow students to leave school between 14–17 with parental permission, before finishing high school; other states require students to stay in school until age 18. [19] Educational attainment in the United States, Age 25 and Over (2009)[20] EducationPercentage High school graduate86. 68% Some college55. 60% Associates and/or Bachelor’s degree38. 54% Bachelor’s degree29. 0% Master’s degree7. 62% Doctorate or professional degree2. 94% Most parents send their children to either a public or private institution. According to government data, one-tenth of students are enrolled in private schools. Approximately 85% of students enter the public schools,[21] largely because they are tax-subsidized (tax burdens by school districts vary from area to area). School districts are usually separate from other local jurisdictions, with independent officials and budgets. There are more than 14,000 school districts in the country. [22] More than $500 billion is spent each year on public primary and secondary education. [22] Most states require that their school districts within the state teach for 180 days a year. [23] Parents may also choose to educate their own children at home; 1. 7% of children are educated in this manner. [21] Nearly 6. 2 million students between the ages of 16 and 24 in 2007 dropped out of high school, including nearly three of 10 Hispanics. [24] The issue of high-school drop-outs is considered important to address as the incarceration rate for African-American male high school dropouts is about 50 (fifty) times the national average. [25] In 1971, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that forced busing of students may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation. [26] This ruling resulted in a white flight from the inner cities which largely diluted the intent of the order. This flight had other, non-educational ramifications as well. Integration took place in most schools though de facto segregation often determined the composition of the student body. By the 1990s, most areas of the country have been released from mandatory busing. In 2010, there were 3,823,142 teachers in public, charter, private, and Catholic elementary and secondary schools. They taught a total of 55,203,000 students, who attended one of 132,656 schools. [27] States do not require reporting from their school districts to allow analysis of efficiency of return on investment. The Center for American Progress commends Florida and Texas as the only two states that provide annual school-level productivity evaluations which report to the public how well school funds are being spent at the local level. This allows for comparison of school districts within a state. [28][29] In 2010, American students rank 17th in the world. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development says that this is due to focusing on the low end of performers. All of the recent gains have been made, deliberately, at the low end of the socioeconomic scale and among the lowest achievers. The country has been outrun, the study says, by other nations because the US has not done enough to encourage the highest achievers. [30] About half of the states encourage schools to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. [31] Teachers worked from about 35 to 46 hours a week, in a survey taken in 1993. [32] In 2011, American teachers worked 1,097 hours in the classroom, the most for any industrialized nation measured by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. They spend 1,913 hours a year on their work, just below the national average of 1,932 hours for all workers. [33] In 2011, the average annual salary of a preK-12 teacher was $55,040. [34] Transporting students to and from school is a major concern for most school districts. School buses provide the largest mass transit program in the country, 8. 8 billion trips per year. Non-school transit buses give 5. 2 billion trips annually. 440,000 yellow school buses carry over 24 million students to and from schools. [35] School start times are computed with busing in mind. There are often three start times: for elementary, for middle/junior high, and for high school. One school district computed its cost per bus (without the driver) at $20,575 annually. It assumed a model where the average driver drove 80 miles per day. A driver was presumed to cost $. 62 per mile (1. 6 km). Elementary schools started at 7:30, middle schools/junior high school started at 8:15 and senior high schools at 9:00. While elementary school started earlier, they also finish earlier, at 2:25, middle schools at 3:10 and senior high schools at 3:55. [36] All school districts establish their own times and means of transportation within guidelines set by their own state.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Industrial attachment report Essay

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Students Industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) was established by ITF (Industrial Training Fund) in 1973 to solve the problem of lack of adequate practical skills required for employment in industries by Nigerian graduates of tertiary institutions. SIWES is an exercise created for students of higher education to enable them practice those things they have learnt theoretically in class. It also helps to expose students to the use of certain industrial equipment. The exercise reveals students skills as well as inspiring students’ ambition to become useful citizens in the future. It also helps them to interact with the highly respected and educated personalities. These students are willing and eager to prepare themselves to attain certain higher positions after graduation. This is a report of the SIWES experience I had at the national root crops research institute, Umudike, abia state. CHAPTER 2 COMPANY DESCRIPTION The National root crops research institute (NRCRI), Umudike is one of the 17 Agricultural research institutes in Nigeria. The institute started as a provincial experimental farm under the national department of agriculture with headquarters at Moor plantation. It assumed a federal status to become Federal Agricultural Research and Training Station (FARTS) in April 1, 1972. By April 1, 1976 it became known as national root crops research institute by the Agricultural research institutes decree of 1973. In line with its national and zonal mandate, the institute has the responsibility of conducting research into: Genetic improvement of root & tuber crops of economic importance in Nigeria Agronomy of root and tuber crop production including farming systems development for the southeast agro ecology Design and fabrication of simple agricultural farm tools and equipment Storage, processing, utilization of root & tuber crop production. NRCRI has taken giant strides with commendable results. These have earned the institute one of the best research institutes in Nigeria having contributed immensely to the economic development. The research findings of the institute have made Nigeria to become the world’s leading producer of cassava and yam with annual production of 33.1 and 19 million metric tons. The track record has also placed the institute in the top position for two years consecutively in the annual world food day. ACHIEVEMENTS: Effective control of major pests and diseases in cassava, yam, irish potato & sweet potato Development of sweet potato starch & media for biological uses Development of true potato seed for irish potato production Development of cassava, yam, sweet potato & cocoyam flour for baking, odorless fufu, cocoyam chips as snacks. Development of low cyanide cassava varieties for the savanna agro ecological zones CHAPTER 3 JOBS DONE/EXPERIENCE GAINED INTRODUCTION TO THE WORKSHOP: On arrival to the workshop, the first thing I was introduced to was the safety rules of the workshop which included the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times. After this, I was given a full orientation to the workshop staff and tools. MODIFICATION OF A GINGER CUTTING & WASHING MACHINE: When I arrived at the workshop, the ongoing project was the modification of a ginger cutting machine and a ginger washing machine. A ginger washing machine is a machine used for washing freshly harvested ginger from dirt while a ginger cutting machine is a device used for cutting freshly harvested matured ginger into two equal parts. For this the following jobs were needed. USE OF HAND CUTTING/HAND GRINDING: The hand grinding machine which is also called an angle grinder is one of the very useful tools in the workshop. It is used for cutting, grinding and polishing. They can be powered by an electric motor, petrol engine or compressed air. In the workshop, the angle grinder was powered by an electric motor. The motor drives the geared head at a right angle on which is mounted an abrasive disk (used for grinding) or a thinner cut-off disc (used for cutting). It was used for cutting into metal sheets to a specified measurement, removing excess material and smoothing rough edges off the material. PRECAUTIONS: -In the workshop, we were required to replace worn discs because the continuous use of already worn discs could cause parts or the whole disc to fly out thereby causing serious damage to body or machine. -The cutting disc should never be used in place of the grinding disc and vice versa -Never stay in an enclosed place and always use the right posture when cutting/grinding. A HAND CUTTING/GRINDING MACHINE USE OF THE HAND DRILLING MACHINE: A drill is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment usually a drill bit or driver bit which is used for drilling holes in various materials. The drill bit is gripped by a chuck at one end and rotated while pressed against the material. A centre punch is usually used to indicate the spot where the drill is about to perforate so as to prevent the drill bit from slipping of the mark. PRECAUTIONS -Apply just the right amount of pressure to the drill during use as too much can end up breaking the drill bit and too little would not do anything. USE OF JOINING PROCESSES: During the work on the ginger cutting and ginger washing machine, metals also needed to be joined together. We used processes such as welding, riveting and also bolts & nuts. PRECAUTIONS -When welding, make sure the eyes are protected by a facemask -When riveting ensure staying on a flat surface. MEASUREMENT & MARKING: Before any work is carried out, it has to be put into measurements so as to avoid waste. Some of the instruments used were the vernier calipers, steel rule, measuring tape. THE USE OF THE RADIAL DRILLING MACHINE: A radial drilling machine is a large gear headed drill press in which the head moves along the arm that radiates from the column of the machine. The arm of the machine can swing in relation to the base of the machine. This swing operation helps the drill head to move out of the way so a large crane can place the heavy work piece on the base of the radial drilling machine. This also helps in drilling holes at different locations of the workpiece without actually moving the workpiece. Common features of the radial drilling machine are the power feed of the spindle and the coolant system. We also discussed problems when looking for solutions and also acquainted ourselves with the relationship between pulleys and the speed of a crankshaft. At the end of all these, the ginger cutting machine and ginger washing machine were tested and modified where necessary with good results. CHAPTER 4 RELATION OF EXPERIENCE TO FIELD OF STUDY The relevance of my experience to my field of study is the fact that most of the problems and tools encountered in the workshop were those which have been solved theoretically in class and hence a better understanding of the course was achieved. The relevance of this industrial training to Mechanical Engineering is the fact that it helps students to be more compatible with what they have been taught. Mechanical Engineering is more understood when combined with practice. The Industrial training helps to achieve this part. It makes the students not only knowledgeable but also quick with their hands and minds. This, at the end of all these, will result in better trained members of the mechanical engineering society. Mechanical Engineering, in fact, is a practical course. Considering the situation of our country with respect to education, I would say that without SIWES, graduates of mechanical engineering would really be lacking when it comes to practicing the course in the real world. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION All in all, the experience was a very wonderful one. I developed a good working relationship with the staff and my supervisor as I had learned from my 200 level industrial training and I also had a wonderful time putting what is learned in the classrooms into practice. Safety is a very important issue in any environment but it can never be over emphasized in a workshop.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey Essay

In Wordsworth’s â€Å"Tintern Abbey† the poem begins as we are taken from the height of a mountain stream down into the valley where the poet sits under a sycamore tree surveying the beauty of the natural world. This introduction through nature sets the scene for the poet’s blending of his mind with that of the natural world. Here Wordsworth does not dwell on the imprint of mankind on the landscape but on the connection of an isolated individual enveloped within the wild world of nature. Although he refers to the presence of man – vagrant dwellers or hermits his connection is with the untouched splendour of the countryside. From his perspective, looking out on the verdant landscape, the speaker ties his connection with nature to the past. He remembers that during his long absence from the Wye Valley, years which he spent living in the city, he found consolation in calling back the memories of his time spent in nature ‘But oft, in lonely rooms, and mid the dim Of towns and cities, I have owned to them, In hours of weariness, sensations sweet, Felt in the blood, and felt along the heart.’ It is important to note here that Wordsworth is not merely finding comfort in fondly remembering a past holiday, but is unequivocally using the natural setting as his source for transcendence. By specifically using nature as his escape from ‘†¦the heavy and weary weight Of all this unintelligible world’ , he asserts that the purity of nature holds no ill memories of man’s unkindness. This ability to gradually retreat from the trials of daily life by calling to mind the solace found in nature is key to the concept that only through withdrawal from the world of society and immersion in the natural world can one rise above present strife. Wordsworth continues speaking of his connection with nature to the past by relating how nature has held prominence during all stages of his past life. But here he also imparts the importance his intimacy with nature will have in his future as he states ‘that in this moment there is life and food For future years’. Wordsworth realizes that the memories of the past will continue to provide pleasure and connection even as he grows old. In the final refrain, the poem suddenly shifts perspective back to the present and instead of considering his own connection with nature, Wordsworth now turns his attention to being in the sylvan valley with his sister, Dorothy. He compares his sisters simple, intense pleasure on nature with his own at the earlier stages of his life. He parlays that she will benefit from the love of nature as he has done and find in it solace from the ‘dreary’ scenes of adult life. However, Wordsworth’s message to the readers seems didactic as he addresses what he is meant to be telling his sister to us, ‘Our cheerful faith that all which we behold Is full of blessings. Therefore let the moon Shine on thee in thy solitary walk.’ His hopes for the future are that his sister will also experience the healing powers of nature that he himself has experienced. By stating ‘†¦Nature never did betray The heart that loved her’ Wordsworth assures his sister that she too will find solace from the heartless world by her communion with nature and her memories of his day that they are spending together. Wordsworth’s ability to look to the future to predict memories of events that are happening in the present is ingenious and complicated. But Wordsworth beautifully clarifies this concept by using nature as the ideal link between recollection, foresight, and his relationship with another. Wordsworth neatly ties together the significance of nature not only with his previous experience of remembering nature, but also with how he sees the natural world affecting the future to pass on his message that he has clearly matured over the past years hence the poem being the last one in the anthology. He further states that even â€Å"if I should be where I no more can hear Thy voice, nor catch from thy wild eyes these gleams of past existence† , their memories shared in nature will endure to give Dorothy solace as she grows old. By looking to the future, Wordsworth comprehends that because of their shared recollection of their communion in the outdoors, he and his sister will be tied together even after his death. Wordsworth Other poets * Believed ordinary life and ordinary people were important enough to have poetry written for them. * Believed poets to be ordinary people who lived more intensely than others and cultivated their imagination and expressive powers. * Poetry should be written in a language understood by most people ‘man speaking to man’ * Poetry should be written about situations of everyday life. * Through use of memory poetry could recreate events although not religious WW believed that poetry rather than religion was to be given the mission of bringing humanity together * Childhood experiences affected adult mind. * Believed that a poem must have a definite direction and that the reader should be very clear as to what the poem is actually about. * Believed that in order for a short metrical composition to be a poem, it must be organized clearly and, according to Wordsworth â€Å"also thought long and lovingly about† * Poetry should have passion and emotion and be of great pleasure. * The pleasures that Wordsworth was referring to man being â€Å"accustomed to† are those experiences that are derived from nature. Nature in this sense may be the emotion of an experience with living nature, such as a majestic observance of a mountain, or it may be in the sense of human nature, such as the natural presence of a mother’s love * William Wordsworth thought that the poem should speak directly from common life â€Å"by fitting to metrical arrangement a selection of the real language of men in a state of vivid sensation† * Poetry was a tool to change peoples behaviour or as a learning mechanism. * Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Online Instruction In A Continuing Professional Education Setting Education Essay

IntroductionThe article I chose to supply a outline for is entitled, â€Å" The New, Modern Practice of Adult Education: On-line Instruction in a Continuing Professional Education Setting † by Brian W. Donavant of the University of Tennessee at Martin. The intent of his survey was to analyze the effectivity of on-line instruction compared to traditional bringing attacks. His survey involved quantitative research methods through the usage of pre and posttests in both the online and teacher led classs every bit good as an unfastened ended questionnaire to assist find if the potency for success of on-line direction is related to demographic variables of the pupils. This multi-phased survey was conducted in a non-academic scene utilizing police officers go oning their instruction. The about 200 participants were from the Florida Regional Community Policing Institute and varied in age, gender, ethnicity, educational background, and old ages on the occupation.Research QuestionThe ge neral inquiry of this survey was to find if there were statistically important differences in successful acquisition by the participants who learned via online acquisition in comparing to teacher lead preparation. Additionally, the survey set out step the potency of online larning success by constabulary officers and if this possible online larning success was related to assorted other factors such as race, gender, age, and educational experience. The survey besides measured the officers ‘ attitudes and perceptual experiences sing the usage of online larning for professional development. ( Donavant, 2009 ) While the writer acquiesces to the impression that the apposition of online acquisition to instructor lead acquisition in authoritative academe has been done legion times, there is small to no important research done measuring this in the sphere of professional development and go oning instruction. The deficiency of important research from this position is what motivated the research worker to prosecute this way.MethodsThe first stage of this three stage survey was an scrutiny of pre and post-test professional development tonss used to determine if larning really occurred and if there was a difference in effectivity between on-line bringings versus teacher lead direction. The pre and post-tests used anon. multiple-choice and true-false inquiries. The research worker had no control over the arrangement of the participants into control or experimental groups of people. Additionally, the research worker did non hold control over the figure of participants in each group or the continuanc e and quality of the direction. ( Donavant, 2009 ) The 2nd stage of the survey examined the potency for online acquisition success correlated to gender, race, age of the scholar, figure of old ages of constabulary service, figure of old ages of formal instruction, and old exposure to online acquisition. This rating leveraged Kerr ‘s Test of Online Learning Success ( TOOLS ) ( Marcel S. Kerr, 2012 ) which is a 45 point self-report appraisal that attempts to determine behavioural strengths and failings to mensurate possible online larning success. Participants rated each of these 45 points on a 5 point Likert-type of graduated table runing from 1 ( strongly disagree ) to 5 ( strongly agree ) . ( Donavant, 2009 ) Finally, the 3rd stage of this survey involved an open-ended questionnaire to turn to considerations of on-line bringing methods that were identified through analysis of the current literature that the writer deemed as relevant beginnings. The research worker ‘s purpose was to find other lending factors that were important to the larning experience such as willingness to take part in on-line acquisition, scholar ‘s perceptual experiences of the user of online acquisition in the sphere of professional development, and the practicality of its usage as a bringing mechanism. For the 2nd and 3rd stages of this survey, one constabulary bureau within each of the six geographic parts of the United States was indiscriminately selected and each bureau had anon. voluntaries to take part it the survey. The 2nd stage had a sum of 188 officers participate while the 3rd stage had a sum of 150 constabularies officers participate. Of the 188 officers that participated in the 2nd stage the bulk were white males ( 87.8 % and 85.6 % severally ) with a average age of 36.9 and a average figure of old ages on the force of 10.75. 75.3 % of the participants had non participated in any on-line instruction prior to this survey and the bulk listed their degree of instruction attainment as â€Å" some college † 52 % . ( Donavant, 2009 ) The stage one survey that used the historical pre and post-test consequences used a t-test to find the significance of the pre and post-test consequences comparing on-line instruction to trainer led experiences. The stage two survey besides conducted a t-test to find if there was a degree of significance between those who completed on-line instruction and those that did non complete on-line instruction. Bipartisan eventuality analysis was conducted to assist find if there was a relationship with possible success in on-line instruction and independent variables such as race, gender, and prior exposure to online instruction. The research worker so used Pearson Correlations to find important relationships between online larning success and independent variables such as age, figure of old ages of service and degree of educational attainment. ( Donavant, 2009 )ConsequencesThe stage one post-test tonss ( Teacher Lead: M=82.91, SD = 18.43 ; Online: M=73.38, SD=21.72 ) were significantly hig her than pre-test tonss for both instructor led and on-line lead instruction ( Teacher Lead: M=43.27, SD=17.96 ; Online: M=47.44, SD=16.74 ) . The ANCOVA analysis revealed no statistically important difference in the effectivity between both trainer lead and on-line bringing ( 1, 40 ) = 2.99, P = .09. ( Donavant, 2009 ) The stage two survey rendered similar consequences of deficiency of significance between online larning success and gender, race, and old engagement in on-line instruction ( I†¡2 ( 1, N =178 ) = 0.12, P = .72 ; race, I†¡2 ( 5, N = 184 ) = 7.97, P = .16 ; or old engagement in OE, I†¡2 ( 1, N = 188 ) = 3.07, P = .08. ) Where the research worker did happen some degree of significance was the correlativity between possible online larning success and the officers ‘ educational degree they achieved, R ( 185 ) = .23, P = .001. The consequences of the 3rd stage of the research indicated that a bulk of the pupils liked the convenience of the on-line instruction ( 92, 68.7 % ) but bulk besides indicated that what they liked least about the on-line educational experience ( 63, 52.9 % ) was the deficiency of interaction with the teacher as their primary ground for non wishing the on-line educational experience. ( Donavant, 2009 )DecisionThe research worker surmised that while the effectivity of on-line instruction versus teacher lead preparation are both deemed significantly effectual, the potency of on-line instruction being effectual is significantly correlated to the pupil ‘s anterior experience with on-line instruction every bit good as their degree of instruction. The research worker besides went on to sum up that by and large talking, there is no important benefit of online acquisition in comparing to teacher lead preparation when looking at it from the position of race, gender, old ages on the forc e or age. So, for an organisation sing teacher lead preparation in comparing to online instruction, they should see the person scholar and take into consideration their degree of instruction along with old experience with on-line instruction. If an organisation has a figure of pupils who do non hold a batch of post-secondary instruction, they may happen better consequences with teacher lead preparation.