Friday, May 31, 2019

The Role of Paralegals in the Legal System Essay -- Legal Assistant

Justice. It is something that every iodin wants, something that we strive for, even something that sparks. nonetheless, when we think of lawyers, we think of superheroes with an expensive education, walking into the courtroom and help up justice. What no one thinks of is the person that helped the lawyer get there, the paralegal that prepares the necessary documents, the paralegal that makes sure his or her attorney is at the right infinite at the right time. A paralegal is crucial and in some cases vital to our justice system yet they are so often over looked. To understand what a paralegal does we must first understand what the job of a lawyer entails. Blacks Law Dictionary defines a lawyer as a person learned in the law as an attorney, counsel or solicitor a person who is practicing law. Attorneys generally have just about seven years of a college education under their belt, they have the authority to argue their thickenings case before a judge and jury. Just because a per son has a law degree does not necessarily mean that they are skilled lawyers. One could have the best education money can deprave but still be a lousy attorney. Practice and careful preparation is needed before one goes to court, but there is still one thing that is invaluable to an attorney. Experience. All of the classes in the world could not prepare one for the nerve that it takes to stand before a judge and jury with your client beside you trusting you to put up a fight. I had the opportunity to witness the behind the scenes action as a young attorney recently prepared for his first trial. What I saw is not what would normally happen but it is something that does happen. This attorney was given about three hours to prepare for his first trial, he had about three ye... ... by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible. However we know that they do so much m ore.Works Cited Current ABA Definition of Legal Assistant/Paralegal Division for Legal Services. American Bar Association. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. .Green, Regina. individualised Interview. 7 Jan 2011. Henry Campbell Black, Blacks Law Dictionary, 5th ed. (St. Paul West Publishing Co., 1979), 799.Hooper, Milton. The Evolving Paralegal Role. Paralegal Today The Magazine for the Paralegal Profession. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. .Sands, Ana. Personal Interview. 7 Jan. 2011.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Essay --

Muchas per paroleas en los Estados Unidos estn experimentando problemas de salud y mueren de enfermedades que posiblemente pueden evitarse con la adecuada atencin de la salud y la educacin. Desafortunadamente, debido a la falta de recursos y educacin son las disparidades de salud entre diferentes grupos tnicos y minoras. Ha habido muchos estudios que muestran que las minoras estn en peor estado de salud, tienen problemas para acceder a la atencin de la salud por ser asegurado y recibir menor calidad en la atencin sanitaria. Estas diferencias pueden ser basado en el hecho de que muchas personas no pueden tener los ingresos adecuados, la educacin o la cobertura necesaria para mantener un estilo de vida saludable. A pesar de que tales disparidades, no podemos eliminar totalmente los que podemos encontrar soluciones para reducir la brecha.Teniendo en cuenta esta informacin, en comparacin con otros grupos tnicos, los hispanos tienen mayores tasas de seguro que los blancos no hispanos y l os isleos de Asia / pacficas (Mead, Smith, Jones, Ramos & Siegel, 2008). Hispanos tambin tienen un nmero desproporcionado cuando se habla de diagnstico de VIH los estudios han demostrado que son menos propensos a hacerse la prueba del VIH y tienen una mayor probabilidad de obtener un diagnstico ms adelante con la oportunidad para ser bajo terapia (Palfrey, Rosen, Ogilus & Foley, 2013). Con los hispanos, siendo el grupo tnico de ms rpido crecimiento y contina creciendo a este ritmo debe ser abordado el tema del cuidado de la salud.Una de las principales razones de por qu hay un problema de salud es debido a que hay un problema de interpretacin y traduccin de lenguaje. 21% de la poblacin de Estados Unidos habla otro idioma que ... ...unas familias pueden tener mucho firmar para arriba para la cobertura y una vez que pasen este proceso, las inscripciones constantes que toma lugar causas aspirantes a ser asignado a diferentes mdicos, causando un problema de confianza. Tambin, a veces l os solicitantes no recibe los formularios para llenar o no entiende la informacin solicitada, causando que pierden sus beneficios. En cuanto a cobertura de seguro, cuidado Obama ayudar a financiar nuevas clnicas y los centros de las ciudades con una alta poblacin hispana que permite a los pacientes a tener cuidado de la salud disponible con poco o ningn costo en absoluto.En realidad, el cambio no puede suceder con el chasquido de dedos de alguien. El cambio tiene que empezar con la educacin, hispano educar y motivar a utilizar el sistema de salud es clave para posiblemente resolver la disparidad en la salud.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Domestic Eco-Terrorism, PETA, ALF & ELF Essays -- Terrorism USA Esays

Domestic Eco-Terrorism, PETA, ALF & pixy With President Bushs War on Global Terrorism making front knave news reports and filling the news waves on the evening news, the American Public might not realize that there is in fact a fight of sorts going on behind the scenes in their own country. This is the war on home-grown terrorist organizations. Moreover, it is the war to fight against the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) and its environmental little brother spin-off the ELF or Environmental Liberation Front. The Domestic Terrorism Section Chief of the FBI pile Jarboe states that, the ELF and ALF micturate become one of the most active revolutionary elements in the join States (Pierce). In another article, John Lewis from the FBI stated that, The 1 Domestic Terrorism Threat is the eco-terrorism, and animal rights movement. (Schuster) According to Senate Environmental Committee Chairmen James Inhofe, the damages from Eco-Terrorism have totaled more that $110 million dollars in t he last decade. (Frieden) Just recently the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or PETA have been suspected of giving monies to the ELF and ALF to fund their terrorist activities.One might ask, who are these terrorist organizations and why do they do what they do? These organizations got there start during the 1960s in the UK when traditional fox hunts were disrupted by protesters. After the successes in these activities, the protestors would become terrorists when they set a research institute ablaze, destroying everything, but not harming anyone, yet. ( According to, it is hard-fought to tell when the ALF really first got its start, but it is assumed to be during the 1979 break in and release of 5 animals at the New York ... ... the Animal Rights and Environmentalist Movements. 5 Nov. 2005 Frieden, Terry. FBI, ATF address domestic terrorism. 19 May 2005. 5 Nov. 2005. .PETAs Mission Statement. 2005. 5 Nov. 2005. Pierce, Jason. PETA Under Attack for Funding Alleged Eco-Terrorists. 8 Mar. 2002. 5 Nov. 2005. .Martosko, David. Testimony. United States Senate, Committee on the Environment and Public Works. 18 May 2005. 5 Nov. 2005.Schuster, Henry. Domestic Terror Whos most dangerous? Tracking Terror. 24 Aug. 2005. 5 Nov. 2005.

The Day of Infamy :: Imagery Terror Terrorism 9/11 Essays

The Day of Infamy Erupting on a crisp September dayspring, terrorist attacks bring America to a standstill. As the day began, it was an intermediate Tuesday morning and pertly Yorkers as well as the rest of United States Citizens had no idea that in a matter of moments their city and their lives would be changed forever. large number were doing what they had done thousands of times before. Some were on their way to work while others were sitting at their desks, checking e-mail, sipping coffee or reading the morning paper. Out of the swooning blue sky an airplane was hijacked and was heading for the twin tower. People heard an approaching noise and then all of a sudden a loudly explosion The twin towers of the World Trade Center were the symbols of Americas prosperity. Dr. Stefan Pasternack, a clinical professor of Georgetown University who specializes in the impact of terrorism and murder says Its one thing to call back of a truck blowing up in front of a building. This involv ed the use of civilian aircraft-the imagery is much more frightening. What we see here is what terrorism is all about. The idea is to make people feel that they cannot feel protected by their government (Black Tuesday 20). With World War II being a involvement for national survival, terrorism is the struggle to preserve national values and stand for what we, as Americans, believe. As president Bush stated, Terrorists attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot corpuscle the foundation of America (Black Tuesday 12). The attacks on our nation nearly brought America to a halt. Around the world security was tightened. Air travel stopped, businesses closed and government facilities were evacuated Tuesday morning of September eleventh. For the first time in United States history, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shut down air traffic nationwide. There were many entering flights from around the world, carrying anywhere from four thousand to six t housand passengers, that were diverted to Canada. Authorities shut down all the tunnels and bridges in and out of New York City. All train services were shut down and many shipping ports were also closed down. The most memorable image of September eleventh was the alikeness Towers that were engulfed in smoke and flames. Over and over the Towers flashed across Television screens and on the front pages of newspapers.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Drug Abuse Essays -- Drugs Narcotics Research Papers

Drug AbuseDrug Abuse is generally defined as the use of a medicine with such frequencythat the drug user has physical or psychic harm or it impairs social abilities. Thesubstances that atomic number 18 discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugsthose drugs that influence or substitute the workings of the mind, affect moods,emotions, feelings, and thinking processes.Drug Dependence/AddictionThere are three basic characteristics that indicate that the user isdependent on a drug. First, the user continues to use the drug for an extendedperiod of time. Second, the user finds it difficult to stop using the drug. Theymay drop out of school, steal, go to jail, lose their jobs, or leave theirfamilies in order to keep using. Finally, the user has withdrawal symptoms whendrug use is stopped. They may undergo physical pain or mental distress.The drug mimics a natural process in the drumhead called neurotransmission.This is when a brain cell releases a signal to another brain c ell. The signalthen returns to the initiatory brain cell. The signal is called a neurotransmitter.One major neurotransmitter is called dopamine, which is involved in feelings ofpleasure. When the drug is released into the brain, it blocks the dopamine fromreturning to the first brain cell. Repeated use changes the brain cells so thatnormal messages put forwardt be sent between brain cells. The drug must always bepresent in order for neurotransmissions to take place. The user is only able tofeel pleasure from the cocaine rather than the things he/she used to findpleasurable. This is called drug addiction or dependence.Drug ClassificationDrugs are generally categorized into two groups, stimulants anddepressants. Stimulants are drugs that speed up signals done the nervoussystem. They produce alertness, arousal and excitability. They also inhibitfatigue and sleep. They include the amphetamines, such as cocaine, caffeine, andnicotine. Depressants slow down the signals through the nerv ous system. Theyproduce relaxation, lowering of anxiety, drowsiness, and sleep. They includesedatives (such as barbiturates, alcohol, and tranquilizers) and narcotics(heroin, morphine, opium, codeine), which dull the minds perception of pain.Some drugs are not include in the stimulant/depressant categories. Anexample is the hallucinogens, such as PCP and LS... ...nclude nausea, diarrhea, and pain,but they vary between drugs. Cocaine users report depression when denied thedrug. Since heroin is a very addictive drug, it has many withdrawal symptoms.For example, insomnia, muscle cramps, nausea, sweating, chills, panic, tremors,loss of appetite, yawning, runny nose, and watery eyes.Drug TreatmentA drug addict generally goes through denial before he/she acceptshis/her drug addiction. When they are confronted by a family member or friend,they refuse to accept that they are addicted. This is sometimes called a mentalblock. The user isnt ready or able to deal with thier addiction. The time period of denial varies from person to person.When the person has come to accepting their problem, they may go totherapy for treatment. multitude therapy has had excellent results. They encounter tocome to terms with their problem with the support of other people who are goingthrough the same thing that they are. They also learn tools that they can use tohelp them through the recovery period, such as prayer, excercise, and meditation.Drug abuse is a serious problem, but through treatment and therapy, it can beovercome.

Drug Abuse Essays -- Drugs Narcotics Research Papers

Drug Ab engageDrug Ab function is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequencythat the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. Thesubstances that are discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugsthose drugs that influence or alter the workings of the mind, fall upon moods,emotions, feelings, and thinking processes.Drug Dependence/AddictionThere are three basic characteristics that indicate that the user isdependent on a drug. First, the user continues to use the drug for an extendedperiod of time. Second, the user finds it difficult to stop using the drug. Theymay drop out of school, steal, go to jail, lose their jobs, or leave theirfamilies in order to keep using. Finally, the user has withdrawal symptoms whendrug use is stopped. They may undergo physical pain or mental distress.The drug mimics a infixed process in the brain called neurotransmission.This is when a brain cell releases a polarity to another brain cell. The signalthen returns to the first brain cell. The signal is called a neurotransmitter.One major neurotransmitter is called dopamine, which is involved in feelings ofpleasure. When the drug is released into the brain, it blocks the dopamine fromreturning to the first brain cell. Repeated use changes the brain cells so that principle messages cant be sent between brain cells. The drug must always bepresent in order for neurotransmissions to take place. The user is only up to(p) tofeel pleasure from the cocaine rather than the things he/she used to findpleasurable. This is called drug addiction or dependence.Drug ClassificationDrugs are generally categorise into two groups, stimulatives anddepressants. Stimulants are drugs that speed up signals through the nervoussystem. They produce alertness, arousal and excitability. They also inhibitfatigue and sleep. They include the amphetamines, such as cocaine, caffeine, andnicotine. Depressants dimmed down the signals through the nervous system. Theyp roduce relaxation, lowering of anxiety, drowsiness, and sleep. They includesedatives (such as barbiturates, alcohol, and tranquilizers) and narcotics(heroin, morphine, opium, codeine), which dull the minds perception of pain.Some drugs are not included in the stimulant/depressant categories. Anexample is the hallucinogens, such as PCP and LS... ...nclude nausea, diarrhea, and pain,but they vary between drugs. Cocaine users report depression when denied thedrug. Since heroin is a very habit-forming drug, it has many withdrawal symptoms.For example, insomnia, muscle cramps, nausea, sweating, chills, panic, tremors,loss of appetite, yawning, runny nose, and watery eyes.Drug TreatmentA drug addict generally goes through denial forwards he/she acceptshis/her drug addiction. When they are confronted by a family member or friend,they refuse to accept that they are addicted. This is sometimes called a mentalblock. The user isnt realise or able to deal with thier addiction. The timeperiod of denial varies from person to person.When the person has come to accepting their problem, they may go totherapy for treatment. Group therapy has had excellent results. They realize tocome to terms with their problem with the support of other people who are goingthrough the same thing that they are. They also learn tools that they can use tohelp them through the recovery period, such as prayer, excercise, and meditation.Drug abuse is a serious problem, but through treatment and therapy, it can beovercome.

Monday, May 27, 2019

It’s the Economy, Student! (Reaction Paper)

Its the Economy, Student As the saying goes, No one touches a dirty pot without getting his/her hand dirty. This reminds me of this topic. Based on my own view about the article written by the former president and now the re consecrateative of Pampanga, Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, she had done many good things in our country such as Our climate changes each decade because everyday people neglected to do their duties in order to save our dying environment. We, as perfect creation of our God Almighty, promised to take care of His creatures but we fail doing it.We must do everything that we can to protect, flourished our nature or environment and its creation, but because of our personal interest and greediness, we explore in some(prenominal) vogues on how to make money without thinking the damage that it would do to our world. Moreover, pull down if we knew that the damage has been done, thus change the balance of nature, still we continue doing ways that would destroy our environment just to amaze more power and wealth. Congresswoman Gloria M.Arroyo, in her given information, said that she was besides concerned during her time in promoting how to save our dying environment and she even mentioned this in her talked to Asia Pacific Economic Council (APEC) convention. It is very ironic, while shes demonstrating her concern to our environment, several mining businesses were allowed to operate during her time such as the ones being mentioned in the news that there was this kind of mining, such as selling the entire cumulation in Surigao Del Norte and shipping it to other countries such as China and other neighboring countries.I am just astonished on how perfect she played her game, play around the circle. Now tell me whos talk? The mountain that cannot be replaced anymore. And who go out be to blame? The calamities, one after another, that we are experiencing this days, are the products of the undischarged master plan of the once greedy person. Yes she signed a large laws to codify the environment such as clean water, bio fueletc. nd yet what was the result of our natural gas, THE MALAPAYA DEEP WATER GAS PROJECT IN PALAWAN still we are spending dollars importing gases tell me whos talking She said that she created a design that could fight for the continuously increasing unemployed citizens in the country, jobless citizens, so we can over calm poverty, she managed to compare her program to the program of former president Estrada, whos presidency lasted only for 2 yrsdefinitely her program runs through many years, but does it give credit? circulate me whos talking. Talking about the education let me say, as I recall it right, she managed to get mad at Department of Education admirer Secretary Tonisito Umali, when the latter said to her on national television that the schools in our country need classrooms, teachers, etc. because they can no longer accommodate 70 to 100 students per class. Even Amorsolo cant paint her aur a, the news anchor that time fed in the advertisement at once so the sweetheart will not notice that scene.The report stated that, For Filipinos, family is everything and the future of our children is sacred. That is why I invested so much time and effort in rejuvenating our education system. I met with teachers and other educators to get a first-hand look at the improvements that we need to make. I listened to what these fine public servants had to say, and in response to their advice, I increased the countrys total budget for education by nearly four times from Ps 6. 6 Billion in 2000 to Ps 24. 3 Billion in 2010 when I stepped down.Those funds went into the following critical areas of educational spending Now thinking how she foreseen those problems ,and eventually the solution to those problems, if she manage to done it right definitely our present president will able to continue her act for the betterment of our country, that is if only she done it right.. As my father, the lat e President Diosdado Macapagal, used to say that the Presidency of the Philippines is a tough and killing job that demands a sense of sacrifice.At the end of the day, it comes down to plain hard work. A president must work harder than everyone else. And no reckon what he thinks he was elected to do even if that includes running after alleged offenders in the past he must not neglect the booty and butter issues that preoccupy most of our people most of the time keeping prices down, creating more jobs, providing basic services, securing the peace, pursuing the high economic growth that is the only way to vault our country into the ranks of developed economies. I must say that if you were given a chance to serve your people, be sure to do your best even if your best is not enough to the people, but in the eyes of God you are serving Him your very best. No turning back, no one will be blamed. -Rosebelle Harlan

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Mindanao should not be an independent state Essay

Mindanao should not become an indie StateOne of the essential attributes of a fix under International Law is external sovereignty, the right to exercise freely the full range of power a state possesses under international law. wisdom of a state as nonsymbiotic necessarily implies that the recognizing states have no legal authority over the independent state. The status of a fully independent state should be contrasted with that of dependent or vassal states, where a superior state has the legal authority to impose its will over the subject, or inferior, state. How shag Mindanao practice the said definition of an independent state where in fact, there are many aspects which can fail us Mindanaoans in attaining such? We insufficiency sustainability, there is a conflict in religion, and division hurts economic bothy and culturally.These are just some of the aspects I was talking about which fails the Mindanao in becoming an Independent state. Before independence is declared, Minda nao must show that we have the resources to be independent. Yes, we can say that we some of the resources in fact, people from Luzon, Visayas, and even from other countries come to Mindanao to bargain our resources. But the question is who will sustain them? We lack sustainability we lack businessmen to run these said resources. In another aspect, we can never be positive that Moslems and Christians populating Mindanao will be able to live in harmony and prosperity. We would need to go extra-mile in and work harder in order to go under iodin agenda. But diversity does not necessarily result in unity. That was what I meant when I mentioned about a conflict in religion. Muslims can not feature that Christians eat lechon during fiestas or other special occasions, their culture and faith says it is strictly forbidden.On the other hand hand, Christians, if for their faith as well, frown on Muslim husbands having four legal wives and call this practice adulterous. How can we really r econcile both parties? Third, division hurts both economically and culturally. Personally, it would be so absurd and soaked if us travelling now to Luzon or Visayas, which some of my relatives live, would require a passport or visa. Wouldnt it be just a hassle? Now, with all these aspects, where will Mindanao get the source of people, peace, and comfort to run the people? If independence means unchaining Mindanao from the shackles of our national debt, that would be good, but it sounds fineonly in theory. Mindanao has been receiving developmental aids yet we remain in the stage of desolation. For so long, the people of Mindanao cannot be united, in fact, no other territory in the Philippines is so factious as Mindanao. Being an independent state will not justify conditions of governing itself. Over all, Mindanao cannot afford to become an independent state.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

An Analysis of ISIS and its Relation to Traditional Islam

In todays world it is easy to assume that ISIS and traditional Islam ar the same thing. The news often reports phrases like radical Islamist terrorists and radical Islam. Has society made a correct assumption? Are every(prenominal) heap who follow Islam potential terrorists? Does Islam assay to promote much(prenominal) terrorist behaviors? This paper seeks to address these questions and uncover the differences between the two, if any. Traditional IslamTraditional Islam began over 1,500 years ago and currently has around 1.6 billion followers. The volume Islam actually means submission to God. Therefore, a Muslim is someone who strives to submit to God.Islam has spread completely around the world. You can find Muslims in North and southeasterly America, Western Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Their principal homelands lie in the bea comm wholly referred to as the 10/40 Window (between 10 degrees latitudinal north and 40 degrees latitudinal north ranging from the ea stern side of North Africa to the western side of Asia). Majority of Muslims ar Asian (60%) and the rest are Arab (22%) sub-Sahara African (12%) and Eastern European (5%) . Islam was founded in 610 A.D. by a man named Mohammed. During Mohammeds time, polytheism reigned, and people were worshipping many gods at the same time. Mohammed had a vision from a being he thought to be an angel who told him, There is only one God, and His name is Allah. Worship Him.Islam, at its core, is a religion based on faith, life, piety, freedom, religion, peace, and morality. Researcher Sohaib Sultan states Islam believes in a God of mercy, a scripture of mercy, and a Prophet who was sent as a mercy to all the world.ISISISIS began in 2003 as a blowback of the U.S. impact and dysfunction of Iraq. In the earliest stage there were several Sunni extremist congregations who were fighting back with the U.S. in hopes to provoke a civic war. The group, at that time, was cal guide al Qaeda which was in Iraq with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in command pledging allegiance to Osama bin Laden. Zarqawi was killed during a 2006 U.S. airstrike, merely the group continued . ISIS is a post-al Qaeda terrorist group.With over 30,000 fighters, ISIS holds territorial lands in both Syria and Iraq. It maintains an extensive military operation, controls communications, controls infrastructure, and funds itself. It can be said that ISIS is a pseudo-state which is led by their military. The goal of ISIS is to control certain territories thereby creating a pure Sunni Islamist state that is governed by a strict interpretation of shariah uprightness. It also seeks to remove the political borders that the Western governments created in the Middle Eastern regions. ISIS seeks to pop off the sole political, military, and religious authority over all the Muslims in the world. ISIS core message is more about power and revenge than anything else.Differences Between ISIS and Traditional IslamIn the first section of th is paper we saw that traditional Islam is a relatively peaceful religion that stresses mercy and peace. This is significantly in conflict with the agenda of ISIS. Where do these two paths cross? What is the relationship between terrorist groups such(prenominal) as ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab in Somalia, the Taliban with traditional Islam?Many people believe that ISIS is a group that is based on the religious beliefs of Islam including following the examples of the Prophet Mohammed . This is where most of the confusion comes into play. ISIS uses Islam as a vehicle to carry out their political agenda by reinterpreting the of import meaning and purpose of Islam. In other words, they are twisting the account book to say what they want it to by weaving lies in with the truth and preying on the ignorance of the people.The message of ISIS is vastly spread not only by social media, but through certain mosques as well. Researcher Ian Pelletier suggests the motivations of ISIS are Market and reinforce Emphasizes consistency of Islamic States strategic objectives with mainstream Islamic Law.Obfuscation Ignores/blurs contradictions between Islamic States strategic objectives and mainstream Islamic Law.Leveraging Connects areas in which Islamic State strategic objectives are consistent with mainstream Islamic Law to social movement catalysts in order to gain momentum.Reinterpretation Justifies a radical reinterpretation of Islamic Law as essential to address past issues or current shortfalls within society and touch the strategic objectives of the Islamic State. ISIS interprets Islam from a precise radical point of view that is rooted in the extremist figure of Salafi/Wahhabi Islam within the Hanbali Sunni tradition .The strategic goals of ISIS are as followsPermanently break down political boundaries and cultivate conditions for government failure and regional sectarian civil war in Iraq and Syria.Establish the Islamic Caliphate by controlling terrain across Iraq and Syria, governing the population within, and defending against external threats.Bring like-minded people to fight alongside and settee within the Islamic Caliphate.Expand the territory of the Caliphate to connect with the wider Muslim community. Traditional Islamic Law (Sharia) is based on the Quran which follows the hadith or the teachings of Mohammad. It is traditionally viewed as a statement of relatively easy limits and not a source of rigid and inflexible rules to be imposed in any incident . It is supposed to be based on the premise of justice and representity for everyone . Historically it has been determined that Islamic Law had the most humane and liberal fundamental principles as it fostered peace with self and society. Groups such as ISIS use Islamic Law instead for harsh discipline and to control the people.Sharia, as it was originally intended, was utilise as a guideline for societal norms and values. It served as a model in which one could pattern their li fe after. Some of the many positive attributes of Sharia are a belief in God, daily prayers, asking/receiving forgiveness, freedoms of choice, strong sense of community, love your neighbors, exercise self-control, do not abuse religion to intercept or abuse others, and must respect the rights of others.Conflicts Between ISIS and Mainstream Moderate MuslimsThere have been many practicing Muslims who do not agree with nor adhere to the beliefs of extremists fringe groups such as ISIS. In an open letter from 120 Islamic scholars and clerics to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, they challenged ISISs ways as being un-Islamic. They further claimed that ISIS routinely twists and perverts Islamic Law selfishly to achieve their own agenda.The letter went on to illustrate the contradictions between ISISs theology and that of traditional Islamic Law. The scholars accused them of citing only portions of the Quran without taking the whole spirit of the Quran and Hadith into account. It was also noted that ISIS had a practice of killing innocent people and that jihad was only meant for defensive measures during a war. Offensive measures of Jihad, without proper cause, was equal to criminal conduct and was not acceptable in traditional Islam . The letter also went on to say that Islam forbids the mistreatment of Christians and no one can be squeeze to convert to Islam against their will.Author Wael Hallaq states that, Sharia is not a rigid unchanging Law of God and when applied correctly, it is flexible. The way it is interpreted and implemented by ISIS makes it a pocket-sized more than a list of fixed punishments, ritual requirements and oppressive rules that are enforced with coercion upon a marginalized group of people. In addition, it is increasingly clear that ISIS selectively interprets Sharia.One may ask how ISIS is able to get away with using Islamic Law to achieve its objectives. They accomplish this by convincing people that their views are in fact inline with mainstream Is lamic traditions. They have a knack for rationalizing any perceived contradictions that are found within their belief and the traditional teachings.Al-Baghdadi, while addressing his fighters said, Beware, O lions, the state that they reach a Muslim woman or child or sheikh without you, for if this happens, then, by God, you have no excuse for yourselves before me. prospect to yourselves and do not be a place of blame. Put their bodies before yours. Their blood before yours and their fortune before yours, and beware of being happy to blend in in a day when the honor of a Muslim woman is transgressed, or the blood of a child is spilled, or an elderly sheikh is insulted, for what lusciousness can there be in life if this is in it or even a part of it?While his speech is complimentary with Islamic Law in principle, he is trying to energize his fighters to fight in a war that is not justified according to Islamic Law. He stresses that not only is the war just, but it is according to I slamic Law which it a bold lie. They may sincerely believe that their war is justified due to their extremist views, but according to traditional Islamic Law, they are not qualified to wage war with anyone unless it is a defensive measure. ISIS does not engage in defensive measures as a rulethey are very offensive in their tactics.ConclusionExtremists groups, such as ISIS, claim to be Islamic in their beliefs, but they do not adhere to the basic tenants of the faith. They twist and turn the Quran and Hadith to make it say whatever they need it to say that will further their agenda.ISIS is a violent terrorist group that has been attracting many young people. They seek out those who are vulnerable, who are seeking religious righteousness, adventure, power, and a sense of belonging. They are also cognize for producing sexual opportunities for the young men by keeping women as slaves. This is extremely contradictory to traditional teachings and philosophy of traditional Islam.It is cer tainly a disservice to the majority of Muslims to assume that all Muslims are somehow connected to terrorist activities. In America, ever since September 11th, 2001, there has been a remarkable increase of violence and hatred against Muslims from such assumptions.Extremists groups are not representative of what it means to be a Muslim in todays world. We need to see them for who they are and not for the vehicle they misuse which is Islam. Furthermore, it is very unhelpful when the media keeps reporting phrases like radical Islam and Muslim extremists as this further perpetuates the discrimination and hatred against innocent and peace-loving Muslims.There is no link between ISIS terrorism and traditional Islam. ISIS fundamentally changes the core beliefs of Islam and inserts their own interpretations to make it into something that is self-serving.Extremists can be found in most religions. The only way to combat this is to be very knowledgeable of your own religion and beliefs so tha t you will recognize a falsehood when you hear it. Sadly, many people simply believe what they are told and that is it. Such people can be easily caught up in extremist groups as they lack knowledge.The same can be said for Christianity. We are not exempt from those who have perverted Gods Word to make it say something that it never was intended to say. This is how cults are formed, and again, is due to a lack of knowledge. The bible says that the people perish due to a lack of knowledge (Hosea 46).ISIS operates via intimidation, fear, legalistic authority, assassinations, and bombings . This is nothing like what traditional Islam teaches. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is not fair to classify all Muslims by such rouge fringe groups.For two years I worked and lived in an Islamic country. I never met anyone who was associated with ISIS nor any other extremist group. I found the Muslims there to be very friendly, eager to help, and welcoming. That experience really helped me to see them for who they really are and without the media bias that was projected to me.Many Muslims do not even consider groups such as ISIS to be true Muslims. They look at them in disdain as the perverters of Islam. Usually these are the more amend people who know what Islam is supposed to be. Sadly, a lot of Muslims have a lower educational level which would be very conducive to being led astray. Many modern Muslims are Muslim in name only and not in practice which makes them an easy target for extremists.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Autonomy- the Right of a Client to Self Determination

Consider the six major ethical principles of autonomy, veracity, privateity, nonmalfeasance, beneficence, and justice. Think confirm over your many years of developmental experiences. Provide examples from your past (either recent or distantyour choice) that illustrate the importance of these 6 major ethical principles. The experiences you retell may build happened to you personally, you may have witnessed them, or you may have read about or heard about them from others. Any of these types of examples are very strong to use in your journal entry.The most important point is that you choose examples that made a lasting impression and influenced your tintings and perceptions related to education (either positive or negativeyour choice). Write a conversational paragraph for distributively of the six principles, including your illustrative example and then brief discussion related to how the example shape what you know and smelling about the educational process. Autonomy- the r ight of a client to self determination In the ER where I currently work, I am usually not privy to the conversations between the physician and the patient.I am usually providing care to some other patient. I receive the orders for pain medication and then lead to the room to administer the medication. I feel it is my duty, as a nurse, to educate the patient regarding their right to refuse the medication the physician ordered. I empower them with education regarding the effects and side-effects and allow them to refuse the medication if they desire. I educate them to the importance of knowing as much information regarding their own healthcare as thinkable and allow them the choice to accept or refuse the offered medications.I feel strongly about this aspect of care in the ER. I do not feel the patient should blindly accept medications simply because it was prescribed by a physician. Veracity- truth telling the honesty by a professional in providing full(a) disclosure to a client of the risks and benefits of any invasive medical procedure. Often times children are fearful of nurses and the procedures they endure in the ER. They often cry as soon as we walk into their room. I feel it is a disservice to these tiny people to lie to them about the treat they will take or the IV that may need to be started.Even though they are minors and veracity might not be a law that applies to them, I feel they will be more trusting of me and of future nurses if they are told that an IV actually will hurt, but just for a moment, rather than surprising them with a painful procedure when they are trusting you that it will not hurt. Lying to patients is wrong on an ethical level and it also put nurses in an distrustful light. We should always be forthright with every patient, even if they are young or old. Simply procedures may hurt divers(prenominal) people on different levels but everyone deserves to know if they are going to be uncomfortable or not.Confidentiality- a bind ing social contract or covenant to protect anothers privacy a professional obligation to respect privileged information between health professional and client. Confidentiality is inherent in the field of medicine and nursing and many professional are accustomed to this ethical principal. HIPPA has been drilled into the nurses head and the associated fines for violating this law. The aspect that I feel strongly about regarding confidentiality is when my patient in the ER has ingested or used an illegal substance or a narcotic that is altering their care.If the patient believes we will keep their medical information confidential then they are more likely to reveal the drugs they have used so we can better treat them. I remember years past when I was working as an EMT in the ER and a young man, in his 20s, came in with chest pain. The EKG showed an acute MI. The patient has no risk factors and it was amazing to everyone that the EKG was showing this at this early hour while he was on his way to work. In the end, after going to the cath laboratory and having an angiocath inserted in his groin and not heart disease was discovered did he reveal that he had used cocaine.If this patient had been informed that his information would be confidential, and had HIPPA been in place, he might have felt more comfortable revealing this information and avoiding this unnecessary procedure. I assure my clients that no police will ever be notified and that legally their information is protected so they may feel more at ease in revealing the drugs they have taken so we can treat them properly. Nonmalfeasance- the principal of doing no harm. Nonmalfeasance encompasses negligence and/or malpractice (Bastable, 2008). Malpractice can encompass failure to follow standards, communication, ocumentation, monitoring, acting as an advocate, and delegating. The first few hours and old age after delivery of a preterm infant are critical times when head bleeds may occur. Simply lifting the leg s while changing the diaper can issue in a head bleed. Having this understanding and not rushing through cares is critical as a NICU nurse. There are serious developmental problems that may occur with third and fourth degree bleeds and the long term sequelae are daunting. As a nurse at the bedside with these neonates and communicating with the parents, we should always confuse in mind the ethical principle of beneficence.It may be very easy to transgress in these areas of the nurse is not attentive and diligent in their work. Being a nurse means stepping outside of our feelings and judgments and treating others, attentively and vigilantly so as to avoid mistakes (Tong, 2007, p. 25). Beneficence- the principle of doing good acting in the soaring hat interest of a client through adherence to professional performance standards and procedural protocols. Beneficence encompasses patient welfare but not necessarily to the well being of the healthcare provider (p. 34). I feel an example of this is lifting and paltry of heavy patients.It is my duty to assist them to a position they request or to predominate a more comfortable position if they state they are uncomfortable or if I am aware that their position my cause skin sectionalization or harm but not to the detriment of my own body. Nursing injuries are preventable and hospitals have a duty to provide equipment to ensure their nurses do not get wound. There are hoists, slide boards, and even extra man power available to ensure the nurse does not get injured lifting an increasingly obese population. Protocols for lifting ensure the patient is not harmed if the nurse falls while helping them also.I often ask for more assistance in moving patients from chairs to beds and I also enlist the help of the patient if they can assist me with their position chance. Justice- equal distribution of goods, services, and burdens regardless of client diagnosis, culture, national origin, religious orientation, and informal p reference. there may be times when a patient is deemed unworthy by the nurse and he/she may feel that the patient doesnt deserve to be treated the similar as other patients. One example that comes to mind is occurring this week. The shooter of the 6 officers wounded last week is alive and in hospital right now, receiving care for a gunshot wound he suffered. As his nurse, I might need an extra few minutes each day to reassess why I am a nurse and the duties I must conform to before entering his room. The prisoner deserves the exact same treatment as the officers, yet he will be facing the death penalty once the court proceedings start. The same is true of the high profile mental health patients at the Utah State Hospital. They all deserve the same treatment as any other individual, yet they have done such tremendous harm to others.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin Essay

Contrast and comp be the two marriage proposals made to Elizabeth Bennet in the novel Mr collins proposal to Elizabeth and Darcys proposal to ElizabethJane Austen lived in a mercenary world and this is reflected in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice no secluded is made of the need to marry for property. Jane Austen reflects antithetic types of marriage in her novel. there is mercenary marriage, brought intimately solely for frugal argues. Such would tolerate been the marriage surrounded by Mr collins and Elizabeth. Mr collins proposal was fuelled by his own economic motives, desire to please the aristocratic maam Catherine and by Mrs Bennets economic fears that Elizabeth pass on inherit little capital when her father dies non real smackings or any aspect of fill out. Contrasting this is the i wangle marriage. Marriages ration all(prenominal)y founded, base on, excellent finding, and, widely distri provideded similarity of feeling and taste, (Chapter 55) Such is the m arriage between Darcy and Elizabeth. Although Elizabeth refused Darcys first proposal, it was ultimately made because of true emotional feelings, respect and admiration for Elizabeth.The main causality for Mr collins selection of a wife in Elizabeth is economic convenience. Her furthermostthers house is entailed to him. By marrying Mr collins, Elizabeths family forget non be remaining without a home. Many aspects of Mr Collinss proposal reflect his lack of feeling. The first be how the proposal comes about. He comes to Hertfordshire, with the design of selecting a wife, and he ironically feels that his choosing one from Longbourn was, disinterested on his own part, due to the estate being entailed to him. Any lady form Longbourn will suffice. Elizabeth was non even his first choice, but Jane was believed to be soon united with Mr Bingley.He admits to Elizabeth that the house is a motive for his choice, proving that his proposal is dominated by economic convenience non love. His proposal was faraway from a spontaneous act of love. It was planned and his choice designed with Mrs Bennet. Elizabeth was blank aware of his intentions, and tries desperately to avoid being put in a gear up where they can come out. However once forced to by her experience, Elizabeth callesto, get it e actuallyplace as soon and quietly as possible. Elizabeth obviously does not have feelings for Mr Collins and takes no pleasure in his proposal.There is a sense that Mr Collins talking through a set of words end-to-end his proposal. He affixresses Mrs Bennet with great formality, it gives a sense that he has pre-designed his address to her. Mr Collins is following the rules, saying what he is supposed to say not what he feels. His full-page proposal to Elizabeth gives a sense of an order of service, with a script that could be applied to any character. The speech is very impersonal. Mr Collins talks of, young ladies, your sex. There is exceedingly little workforcetion of Elizabeths character or Mr Collinss admiration for it. It feels as though Mr Collins could apply his speech to anybody, and ulterior does with Charlotte.The content of Mr Collinss dialogue throughout his proposal is very explicit in its lack of feeling. He begins by stating his reasons for marriage. His first reason it that he feels he should, Sick Equation the example of matrimony. he believes marriage will add to his gladness, and peeress Catherine told him, Mr Collins, you must marry. A clergyman like you must marry. Mr Collins wants a good little wife to use as a as welll to improve his public image. He talks of how a marriage will please him. He does not talk bout how the union between him and Elizabeth will bring him great happiness. It does not consequence who his bride is, as all he wants is a wife, to improve his experimental condition and please Lady Catherine he does not have to have feelings for her. It could be said that Mr Collinss greatest incentive to marry is to please Lady Catherine.He is being forced into a proposal by another woman, not true feelings. Although there is a mention of his feelings, Mr Collins talks of how, the violence, of his affections would overlook the downside to marrying Elizabeth . Not how violently he respects and admires her. Darcys proposal is a complete contrast in its emotional conflict. The self-coloured proposal is much more than dynamic and there are clearly strong emotions and feelings involved. Darcy immediately tells Elizabeth he loves her. Wards are used much(prenominal) as, and agitated manner, the colour rose, became pale with anger, painfully greater, these clearly demonstrate dynamic, strong feelings. They illustrate the greater depth of feeling felt throughoutDarcys proposal than in that of Mr Collins.Mr Collins proposal was mainly fueled by the great convenience in Elizabeth marrying Mr Collins. However Darcys proposal is very far from convenient. Although technically in the same class, Darcy is viewed to be much above Elizabeth in society and a marriage between them would not be viewed as idea. Mr Collins is following the rules in his proposal talking to Mrs Bennet, saying what he is supposed to and attempting to please Lady Catherine. In contrast Darcy is compelled by his feelings to break the rules, by not doing what society expects of him.Mr Collins proposal was greatly fueled by Lady Catherine and his desire to improve his standing in society. However Darcy is fueled by his feelings to go against society and potentially decrease his neighborly standing. Darcys true love for Elizabeth outdos all the sociable reasons for not marrying E. Darcy is a very strong character, however he struggled, in vain, to overcome his feelings. Darcys feelings managed to overcome him. Showing their authority and power.Their proposals act as a great insight into the character of Mr Collins and Darcy. Mr Collins proposal greatly shows what is of the essence(predicate) to him. Th e thing of greatest importance to him, chance onms to be money and connections. His public persona is very in-chief(postnominal), he was to marry to improve it and please Lady Catherine. Mr Collins sees money and high connections with mess such as Lady Catherine as reasons for happiness and why Elizabeth should marry him. He does not appear to piddle that not everyone is as materialistic as him. Mr Collins is driven into his proposal by economic reasons and Lady Catherine, which seem more important to him than love.The importance of high standing people such as Lady Catherine to Mr Collins is as well very apparent in his proposal. He is clearly obsessed by her high hearty status. He wants to marry because Lady Catherine tells him, A clergyman like you must marry. He allows her to choose what type of woman he should marry, a woman, active and useful, not brought up high, but able to claim a small income go a good way. Lady Catherine tells Mr Collins to choose a woman with thes e characters, not unspoilt for Mr Collins sake but for her own. Mr Collins allows another womans wishes to dominate his choice ina wife. Perhaps Lady Catherines feelings are more important to him than his own or his potential wife.One of the greatest things Mr Collins can turn seems to be Lady Catherine. He says to Elizabeth, I do not reckon the notice and kindness of Lady Catherine as among the least of the advantages in my power to offer. This again demonstrates Mr Collins lack of recognition of the point that not every one feels high connection and money to be the greatest importance in life. As well as money and connections Mr Collins believes Lady Catherine to be more important than love.Mr Collins personality traits are also portrayed very well in his proposals. He is untravel by Elizabeths refusal and continually refuses to cause it. His first reaction is to dismiss the refusal, with a formal wave of the hand. He believes, it is usual with young ladies to reject the add resses of the man whom they secretly destine to accept. He then goes on to say, give me leave to blandish myself, theat he believes Elizabeths refusal, is merely words of course. he clearly has an extremely high opinions and an over confidence in himself and his situation in life he simply cannot believe why anyone would not wish to be a part of that. in spite of great efforts from Elizabeth to convince him otherwise, Mr Collins still leaves his encounter iwth Elizabeth, believing, his proposals will not fail of being acceptable. it is greatly apparent that Mr Collins is too conceited to accept Elizabeths strong refusal. He is deluded enough to believe himself and Lady Catherine as irresistible to Elizabeth, and will not believe it when she manages to revisit them. He goes as far as too view the refusal as encouragement.There are further aspects of his proposal exposing Mr Collins character. He explains his second reason for marrying as being to add very greatly to my happines s. This add to the partial of him as selfish and self obsessed. He does not make any secret of his motives for marrying as being Lady Catherine and the convenience of a marriage between him and a lady from Longbourn. He is again too deluded to see that saying this would not impress Elizabeth and says, I flatter myself it will not sink me in your esteem. There is a sense that he has such a high opinion of himself, he feels that it does not matter what he says, Elizabeth will want to marry him. He is even deludedenough to believe Elizabeth should be grateful for his proposal he speaks to Elizabeth with great contempt and fails to put one over that this may displease her not encourage her to marry him.He tells Elizabeth that her, with and vivacity, will be, tempered with the silence and respect which her rank will inevitably excite, when talking about Lady Cather. Implying that Elizabeth should be extremely intimidated by someone such as Lady Cather. He later goes on to denigrate El izabeth by grievous her, Your portion is unhappily so small that it will in all likelihood undo the set up of your loveliness and amiable qualifications. he is clearly too deluded and foolish to realize insults are not the way to a womans heart.Much of Darcy character is also revealed in his proposal. He is clearly not used to feeling the way that he feels. He first, sat down for a few moments, then walked about the room. He is seemingly unaware of how to deal with this situation. He came toward Elizabeth, in an agitated manner. Darcy is far form his usual character of cool composure. He has clearly been moved by visible feelings unlike Mr Collins.Darcy shows that money and status are important to him as well. He says, In vain I have struggled and in spite of all his endeavors, Darcy cannot overcome his feelings and must testify them to E. unconnected Mr Collins Darcy talks of his great affections for Elizabeth. However just as Mr Collins Darcy also talks of money and connectio ns. His speech is described as being, not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride. although money and status are undoubtedly very important to Darcy, unlike Mr Collins, he proves that love and happiness are more important to him.Darcy is portrayed as being very honest. He gives Elizabeth the full story of his affections the good and the bad. He makes not attempt to cover his actions in trying to separate Mr Bingly from Elizabeths sister, even though he must be aware that it will damage Elizabeths opinion of him. The fact that Darcy is willing to give Elizabeth the full story, reflects the openness and extent of Darcys feelings for Elizabeth.Darcy is much more realistic and down to earth than Mr Collins. He is not toodeluded to realize that the insults of Elizabeths family will damage her pride and upset her. However Darcy respects Elizabeth, and feels it better to give her the full story. Darcy is not too conceited to hear Elizabeths refusal. He accepts it and is clearly moved by it. His, complexion became pale with anger, and he struggles, for the appearance of composure. He stops Elizabeth and, hastily left the room. Despite his higher status than Mr Collins, Darcy is not too self absorbed as to not believe Elizabeths rejection as being real.Darcy his giving everything to E. He gives her the full story. He shows her all his feelings and vulnerably puts his entire self out on the line. By exposing himself so openly, he wants the great gift of love and happiness. However Mr Collins proposal in comparison is very superficial. He is not searching for lover or a joyous union between man and wife, but selfishly, and improved social standing for himself.As well as contrasts some similarities can be found between eh two proposals. Both Mr Collins and Darcy assume a verifying outcome to their proposal and an acceptance of their offer. It is apparent that Mr Collins is so ceratin of acceptance, as he is os greatly conceited and believes that what he can offer will be unavoidably tempting to Elizabeth she will not be able to refuse. However there is a sense that Darcys assumption is based on other reasons. It feels as though, Darcys feelings are so strong and have been so overpowering that he has not thought of refusal. Perhaps he feels that it would not be possible for him to feel so strongly for her, if Elizabeth did not feel the same. Although he assumes acceptance, when Darcy is faced with refusal he accepts it very quickly, unlike Mr Collins.In their proposals twain Mr Collins and Darcy inflict pain on Elizabeths pride by reminding her of her vulnerable social situation. Mr Collins is willing to over look Elizabeths ridiculous fortune. Darcy has been forced by his true love to overcome his question about Elizabeths social standing. Mr Collins sees economic reasons, his high connections, his skill to improve, Elizabeths social standing, and his opportunity to improve his social status by obtaining a wife, as reasons f or marriage, not the opportunity oflove and happiness. Darcy however does not try to use his ability to improve Elizabeths economic situation as reasons for her accepting his hand. Darcy sees the questionable economic and social situation as a reason for not marrying Elizabeth . In contrast to Mr Collins he sees the potential for love and happiness as the fuel for marriage, not money. It is because of this that he is able to overcome his pride and propose.We can also obtain many aspects of Elizabeths character, from her behavior during and reaction to the two different proposals. Elizabeth is clearly very informed. When Mr Collins presses for time alone with Elizabeth she immediately knows what is going on, and tries desperately to avoid it. Unlike perhaps some of her younger sisters she is not naive, and does not simply desire for male company. Elizabeth later goes on to asset the sense of her character, by responding to Mr Collins ridiculous assumptions that Elizabeths refusals is just part of a game that many young women play, by saying, I do assure you that I am not one of those young ladies, (if such young ladies that are) who are so daring as to risk there happiness on the chance of being asked a second time. Elizabeth is clearly too sensible to play such games. She is not so stupid as to risk true love and happiness, and maybe too sensible to see how anyone could be so insensible as to do so.As well as sensible Elizabeth comes across as very civic and level headed. She does not cause a scene, does not loudly refuse Mr Collins and revoke his insults. In stead she wishes to finish the ordeal as quickly and, as quietly as possible. At first Mr Collins declaration of his love makes Elizabeth, so near laughing that she could not use the shortly pause he allowed in any attempt to stop him farther. this reflects Elizabeths light spirited character and good sense of humor. Despite Mr Collins ceaseless disbelieve of the reality of Elizabeths refusal, Elizab eth still remains calm and civil. She does not appear as ill-tempered and is perhaps sensible enough to realize that decorous upset and excited will not help the situation. She attempts to blame her refusal on herself and lack of ability to please Lady Catherine. She says to Mr Collins. were your friend Lady Catherine to know me, I am persuaded she would find me in every respect ill qualified. She does not personally insult Mr Collins, but instead attemptsto find excuse for her denying his proposal. This again reflects her civil character.It seems as though Elizabeth does not like insulting confrontations with people. She is desperate to leave her encounter with Mr Collins under good conditions. However Mr Collins continues to persist in his proposal. Despite attempts to remain civil, as Mr Collins continues to reuses the reality of her refusal Elizabeth becomes more agitated. She cries to Mr Collins, with some warmth, your puzzle me exceedingly, Elizabeth is seemingly too sensibl e for such foolishness and silly games and they clearly agitate her. However instead of insults, Elizabeth reverts to her trade mark irony as she becomes more angry. It is a reflection on her good nature a saturation that she remains so calm during such an infuriating ordeal.Elizabeths connection in intellect and sense with her father is revealed at the end of the proposal. Elizabeth acknowledges that she will not be able to convince Mr Collins and immediately weighs of her father. Sh knows that his character is just as sensible as her own, and unlike her mother, her father will not make her marry such an obsurd man.Many of the aspect of Elizabeths character are also revealed in Darcys proposal. As with Mr Collins Elizabeth did not want to see Md. However this is due to her dislike of his character not even her sense could foresee this proposal. After Darcy beings his proposal, he views Elizabeths silence as, sufficient encouragement, to continue. This agin reflects Elizabeths str ength of character. She is clearly recognized by Darcy as a woman with strong mind and opinions.Elizabeth was at first sorry for the pain he was to receive. This shows that Elizabeth is a human character. Although she deeply dislikes Darcy she is not so spiteful as to wish to inflict any pain on him. Elizabeth evidently feels much more emotion throughout Darcys proposals. Phrases are used such as, color rose into her cheeks, she was roused to resentments, she lost all compassion in anger. However despite heightened emotions, Elizabeth still tries to remain patients and composed. It is clearthe Elizabeth feels much more for Darcy. She is much more personal in her responses to him. She Darcy, I have never desired you good opinion. She makes no secret of her dislike for him.She informs Darcy that it is not only his proposal on which her, dislike was founded. Elizabeth is clearly very passionate about Darcy, even if she does not like him. She is insulted by him, and cannot remains so c ivil as with Mr Collins. She cannot brush away Darcys insults as she can with Mr Collins. This is all because she feels for Darcy and does not for Mr Collins. Elizabeth clearly cares deeply for her family, as she particularly struggles for composure, after Darcy confirms his actions causing hurt to Elizabeths sister Jane.As well as the creditable aspects of her character, Elizabeths greatest fault is also displayed. Her fault being prejudice. She bases her deep, deep dislike of Darcy, on the opinions she formed of him after their first meeting. In her final dialogue of Darcys proposal Elizabeth says, from the first moment I may almost say, of my acquaintance with you, your courtesy impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain. Because of this opinion Elizabeth automatically believes Wickhams story. The believe of his story, inflated Elizabeths bad opinion of Darcy, and greatly fueled her dislike. Elizabeth does not even think to p ick out her view of Darcy may be incorrect. She does not hesitate in firing her insults at him and shows great prejudice towards him.Elizabeth does not acknowledge the feelings of either of the men proposing to her. She knows she will not make Mr Collins happy. Elizabeth believes that after Darcy has exposed his love to Elizabeth he, can have little difficulty in overcoming it. Elizabeth appears completely ignorant to the throw off she has cause in d. The reflects her modesty. She does not have an over inflated image of herself and is too sensible to feel that men should always fall in love with her.Throughout both proposals, despite being annoyed, angered and hurt, Elizabeth always tries to retains her composure. Although this is a merit to her strength of character, it could also be interpreted in a different way. Perhaps Elizabeth tries to remains calm because she cares aobut what othersthink of her. She does not want to be viewed as ill-tempered or hot headed. Instead as the ci vil sensible character, that she is.I feel the greatest tribute to Elizabeths strength of character, is her refusal of both proposals. She proves herself to be, much wiser and much more confident than Charlotte Lucas, who accept Mr Collins proposal. Elizabeth will not just marry for convince and the safe entail of Longbourn. Elizabeth shows that she is too strong to be swayed into acceptance, by a rich husband and a lavish existence. Unlike Mr Collins, Mrs Bennet and Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth proves that love and happiness are the most important thing to her, not economy and status love will be the only reason why she will marry.Typically, Mrs Bennet is reflected very badly in her attempt of match making. In discussion with Mr Collins, Mrs Bennett assumes that Elizabeth will accept Mr Collins proposals. This shows that both feel money and connections are suitable reasons for accepting a marriage. The both assume that Elizabeth also views status as more important than love. Mrs Benn ett does not think to consider the feelings of her daughter. She overlooks Elizabeths discomfort and vexation, and continues to wardrobe Elizabeth into time alone with Mr Collins. This implies that to Mrs Bennett improved social connections, the secure knowledge that her house will remain in her family, are more important than the feelings of her family. This is later supported by Mrs Bennetts reaction to Elizabeths refusal.She refuses to talk to Elizabeth for what she has done. This probes that Mrs Bennett attaches a greater value to status, than to love and enjoyment of her family. There is a sense that she wishes to be the boss. Whatever she tells her children to do is right and must be done. However she does not have the wit or intellect to command such control. Instead, just as a child, she sulks when her authority is not followed. Elizabeth maintenance of a civil manner throughout the proposals, shows that she is more sociably acceptable than her mother. Despite Mrs Bennetts constant attempts to improve her social standing.One of the Jane Austens greatest tricks, is her ability to adapt her scriptto influence the reader into feeling what she wants them to feel. This is very apparent in the two proposals. For Mr Collins proposals, Jane Austen includes the full dialogue of his declaration. This has great effect. By including the full script of Mr Collins dialogue it enhances the effect that Mr Collins is talking through a script. You get the full flavor of his pre-designed speech and the extent of his lack of feeling.Jane Austen uses the opposiet tactic achieving an opposite effect for Darcys proposal. She does not write the full dialogue of Darcys proposal. Instead she depicts the events in a narrative form. This helps to maintain the reader like towards d. Elizabeths fault is prejudice and Darcy is pride. Due to his nature and the society hie lives in Darcy will inevitably damage Elizabeths pride with insults towards her status. However these are not in cluded in the dialogue. So the reader comes to respect Darcy for telling a true story of his love but without disliking him for rude conceited remarks, as with Mr Collins.There is a further effect form the authorial comments. The ending to Mr Collins proposal, leaves a definite finality to the situation. Although Mr Collins leaves convinced they will marry, Elizabeth knows otherwise. She will apply to her father, who will make no doubt of the fact that Elizabeth does not wish to accept Mr Collinss proposals. Elizabeth does not reflect on his proposal and there is no question that she does not feel for Mr Collins. However with Darcy it is different. Elizabeth is definitely moved by his proposal. She sat down and cried for half and hour. She considered her meeting with Darcy, in very agitated reflections until the sound of Lady Catherines carriage. There is no sense of finality to Darcys proposal or Elizabeths feelings. As the reader is aware that Elizabeths passionate hatred is foun ded on prejudice, you cannot help but wonder that if she were to over come her fault, her passion towards Darcy might change.It is clear through the proposals that women did not always have a very high standing. For some women were simply interchangeable. For example when Mr Collins finds that Jane is taken he immediately move his marital interests to Elizabeth. It appears that women did not always have a high enoughstanding to even choose their abetter _or_ abettor in marriage. Some women were forced into marriage not by love or choice, but by family and the pressure to increase or maintain a social reputation. For example Mrs Bennett attempts to force Elizabeth into marrying Mr Collins.. It is not all women who have Elizabeths strength of character not to be pushed, for example Charlotte did not. It appears that women could sometimes be the dupe of emotional blackmail.For example Mr Collins tires to convince Elizabeth to marry him by telling her that it is unlikely any one else w ill offer, as her, portion is unhappily so small. Mr Collins proposal also suggests that what women said in reply to a proposal did not always matter. Mr Collins finally resigns himself to saying that even if Elizabeth continues to refuse, her mother will ensure a marriage. However Darcys proposal contradicts this. Darcy takes note and respects Elizabeths refusal. He make no attempts to bribe or pressure her as he realises she does not love him.Both proposals reflect the great importance of money and class when it comes to marriage. Mr Collins proposal was fueled by economic and social reasons. It appears that to some these are substantial enough reasons for marriage. Mr Collins tells, your portions is unhappily so small that it will in all likelihood undo the effects of your loveliness and amiable qualifications. This implies that many would feel, class many would feel, class, money and connections to be more important than admiration of the other, when in search of a bride. Even D arcy who feels reliable love for Elizabeth, must mention money. In the society of the time, money and class are such important issues that Darcy cannot let them escape when proposing. Although it is revealed that money is very important when it comes to marriage, it is also apparent that true gentlemen such a Mr Darcy will not befall to snobbery, they can overcome economic situations, because they have the correct moral understand to know that love is most important.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Payroll Accounting Chap. 3 Matching and Questions for Review

CHAPTER 3 Matching Quiz E1. Employees FICA Tax rank D2. nominate SS-4 H3. Semi Weekly Depositor J4. Taxable for FICA A5. Non Taxable for FICA I6. Self-Employeds FICA Tax Rates C7. Form 941 B8. Monthly Depositor G9. Taxable Wage Base F10. Form SS-5 CHAPTER 3 Review Questions 1. If the person employs 1 or more single(a)s for performances of services in the US unless such services or employment are specifically exempt by law. 2. Defined by the common-law relationship of employer/employee 3. If the business has the right to tell a modeler how, when, and where to work 4. a person who follows an main(a) trade, business, or profession.Where they offer their services to the public the following is the test Hire, supervise, & pay assistants Determine the sequence of their work Set their own hours Work for as more employers as they wish Are paid by the job Make their services available to the public Have an option for profit or handout Furnish their own tools Have a substantial investme nt in their trade May be dismissed only under terms of a contract 5a. They must collect the employees FICA tax on tips that each employee reports. Then deduct the FICA taxes from other wages due to the employee 5b.Employers are liable for their package of the FICA tax on any tips subject to the employees FICA tax 6. After 6 months of consecutive calendar months the sick pay is not taxed. Period off work MUST be consecutive any return to work restarts the 6 month count. 7. They are subject to FICA tax but the employers match mete out is tax free. 8. YES The amount of over payment is credited against the employees federal income tax for the year. Instructions are given on the Individual Income Tax unsay (Form 1040) that explain how the over payment should be treated. So file your taxes John 9a. 3. 3 % 2013-Projected 10. 4% for OASDI 2. 9% for HI b. Usually the net business income of somebody as shown in their income tax returns make up their net earnings from self employment for th e purpose of the social security act. The max taxable income for an individual is $110,100 for OASDI but for HI the total income is taxable 10. The EINs can be obtained directly from the IRS website. No registration is required and the EIN is recognized by the IRS immediately or they can call the IRS or mail or fax the SS-4 (Application for EIN) 11. The requirements are based on the lookback period.The amount of employment tax the employer reported on the quarterly returns for the 4 quarters in the lookback period determines if they are a periodic or semi monthly depositors. Each Nov. the IRS notifies employers weather they will be monthly or semimonthly depositors. 12. Pretty much all employers except those with a $2,500 or less in ? tax liabilities that pay when they file their returns. 13. Generally by touch tone phone, personal computer, or online 14. Generally 3 months of each calendar year 15a. A certain % of the amount of tax required to be reported will be added to the tax . . 5% of the undeposited taxes c. 2% of the amount (if less than $1,250 then penalty is $25 or the amount of the check, whichever is less) Practical Problems A (please descry the Excel file for the rest of the problems and then I am mailing in the forms used for problems 3-11A, 3-12A, 3-13A, 3-14A, & 3-15A) 3-15A LO4,5 b. 1. Jan. 182. Feb. 63. Feb. 204. Mar. 65. Mar. 20 6. Apr. 3 3-16A LO5 1. Apr. 15 2. a250. 52505 * 10% = 250. 50 b. 12. 532505 * ? % = 12. 53 c. 3. 712505 * 3% * (18/365) = 3. 7118 days late d. 266. 74 Total Penalty Imposed

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Tribe Apart

A Tribe Apart To believe that no one in this world understands what you are going through on either given day. To feel that you are the only person out of the almost s unconstipated billion people that populate this universe who fundament experience the feelings of desire, hurt, pain, happiness, sadness, confusion, vacancy and joy. Sometimes all at the same time can these feelings be amongst you. This is how, in my own words that I would define the meaning of in-person Fable.To be the center of attention when there is good and bad happening and the feeling you have thereafter depends on what you think that others think of you. They are al modes ceremonial you as you imagine. They are the judge of your every move. You have to be cool, act cool, tonus cool. To me this is the definition of the Imaginary hearing. To have a constant judgment of your deportment can lead to a phobia or paranoia. It can be positive or negative. For most it moves a result of your character and leads to you to being self-conscious of your ever move.Its all about me and only me I am the center of attention. It is my way or the highway. No one else matters. There is no position interest in what you think, believe, feel or say. I am selfish. I am self-centered. I am the definition of Egocentrism. According to the Cognitive Development exit these processes, Personal Fable, Imaginary Audience and Egocentrism all require formal operation thought. They all work together and sheds plenty of light on how and wherefore we think the way we do. In A Tribe Apart, Brendon is a good example of Personal Fable.Brendon comes from a good family he has four siblings in which he is the youngest. He feels compel conduct to compete with his older brothers because they are good students and all near good people in general. Brendons family were displaced from Reston to Houston since his start lost his job and because later lost his job in Reston whereas his mother became the bread winner of the fa mily. The family appears to be the All-American, traditional family whom eat together and pray together, however this model family is state to be distorted by the pain of economic loss.Brendon takes on risky behavior and becomes and example of Personal Fable as he uses escaping as a way of not to care or feel his feelings. He to, becomes a product of Imaginary Audience, because he had previously dealt with embarrassment and has decided to bar himself off from that part of the world since his optimism and excitement have since vanished. In A Tribe Apart, Brendon turns to alcohol consumption and drug use as a babys dummy to stimulate him feel warm and alive.His substance abuse leads him to believe that it is similar relaxation, and escape from everybody to make yourself happy. Brendon is said to have tried many modes from classroom clowning, truancy, dope, booze and art as an act of anger and therefore has led to aggression towards his siblings than his parents. Brendon often fee ls alone when it comes to his feelings, although his friend Tad is around he feels let down and disappointed by people and has chosen to shelter himself instead of reaching out to those who may feel the same way he does.Because Brendon has a doesnt care attitude he has removed himself from the social setting of school all because of a role he played in the endowment fund show that has him feeling embarrassed. Brendon is dealing with, not only believing that he is the only adolescent in this world experiencing issues (Personal Fable) but also feeling self-conscious, like he is being watch or evaluated (Imaginary Audience). He continues on his path of destruction although he really doesnt want to be that guy. His though process is that the good in him is no good and in order to feel good about himself he has to do badly.Brendon follows this streak throughout the prevail and doesnt change much. Brendon, as bright, talented, and creative as he is said to be deals with darkness, loss a nd mental turmoil and focuses on his regrets and bitterness collect to his family experience. On the other hand, there is Charles Sutter who enters A Tribe Apart as the unnoticed freshman who is from a home of professional parents and a sibling who look to the world, like proof the American Dream works for all. The Sutter family is black. Being black makes it twice as hard to prove yourself.Black adolescents are often labeled as Trouble and Ghetto. Even though Charles is in gifted and talented classes, plays several sports and serves as the class leader he is considered a tightly vex young man acutely aware of the restraints and responsibilities his race im exhibits. Charles never seems to be at ease because he is constantly dealing with not feeling reposition of the burden of proving himself. He is Mr. Perfect Black. He is the rare face of the class. He is the black sheep of the group who wants, solely to fit in despite the pretense of his skin.Charles displays the acts of Imag inary Audience and Egocentrism both. Because Charles is the rare black face he feels like he is never good enough nor as smart as them. His attitude becomes that if he has to perform, he will perform and proves that he is better than them if he is tried. Once he beat up another student exactly to prove that he is capable of protecting and defending himself as well as established some credibility within himself so the other boys in the school would know. Both Imaginary Audience and Egocentrism capture attention in Charles case.When Charles is doing something worth being watch, which is almost always being that he is an A+ student, he has a sense of not only Who is watching me but I want you to watch me. Its as if, he knows that being a black male automatically draws attention especially when there is some good involved. People are interested in how this black boy can be so smart, can dress presentable, can hold a decent conversation, is financial stable that he doesnt have to sell d rugs to make ends meet. As explained in A Tribe Apart, Charles dilemma represents the world of striving black middle-class adolescents.It is life lived on the defensive, a constant tightrope to be navigated between two cultures a white culture that never fully embraces them, and a black peer group that disdains black achievers. Charles overcomes his humiliation after several contrasting issues and strives throughout the book. Remaining an achiever throughout. In his case having the Imaginary Audience and the Egocentrism concepts paved the way. Although it seems a bit much when a person is selfish but when it come to proving yourself and becoming an achiever then it should be looked at as being positive.Then there is the supposedly audience you want to watch you as that can be the proof to make you remain positive so that you can continue to achieve. Moshing Is a Way to Belong. This is the story of Joan. Joans mother left her when she was ten years old and never returned until two years later. Joan being the only female in the household along side her brother and father was having difficulty getting used to the fact that she now was the woman of the house. She was expected to take on all the duties of being a mother, a wife, all the eyepatch she was a young adolescent.Her world as she had known it was crumbling right before her eyes. As the chapter talks about Joan it mentioned how she had went from being spoiled to becoming the woman of the house. Joan had become isolated and lonely. She was in fear of her father and the control her had over her. She was not allowed to have friends. As mentioned, she craved recognition and respect. She was too scared to ask for love. She entangle as if no one cared about the little girl that was devastated by her loss. No one knew what she was dealing with and over time Joan took upon herself to fight back for whatsoever life dished out.She started hanging out with kids that were lovers of the hard core rock music. Wi th this music comes Moshing (def. , activity in which audience members at live music performances aggressively pushes or slams into each other. Moshing is frequently accompanied by stage diving, crowd surfing, microphone swinging, instrument smashing, and head banging. ) Joan feels like this is a great way to fit in and be a part of something. According to her she feels, uninhibited, part of the action, and especially part of the group of peers, something she longs for.Joan also began thinking that being a knockout person, fighting all the time was the way to earn respect. She would start fights if she thought someone was taking about her. Nothing bad could happen to Joan, which is what she thought. She continued the pose in high school with a bad attitude and the behavior to follow. Popping lockers and shoplifting was something she did on a regular. This insert fits as an example of Personal Fable & Egocentrism. Joan felt that no one else could possibly understand what she was goi ng through. That she was the only lonely and isolated kid that surfaces this world.She turned to anger and resentment and felt that whatever rules existed did not apply to her and that nothing bad could happen to her. Joan craving recognition and respect demonstrates Egocentrism. It was all about her and what she thought. Joans way of thinking was that anyone around her had to be thinking about her since that was all she was doing. Joan began to question herself and felt that it was time for change. She wasnt happy with what she had turned out to be. She gradually changed her ways for the better which led to more positive friendships and happier outcomes.Joan mentions that by being tough, however, she learned to be smart for todays world. Each example listed throughout illustrates the concepts, Personal Fable, Imaginary Audience and Egocentrism. The one thing that caught my attention that explains a lot about the adolescents in A Tribe Apart as well as the kids today and even when I was a young adolescent is that whatever behavior is common to a group of kids feels normal to them, whether it be doing drugs or doing homework. Whether the adult world sees the lifestyles as positive or negative is not the standard the kids are using. We live. We learn and hopefully we grow.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Key Symbol – Statue of Liberty

Lazarus inscribed on her base, Give me your tired, your poor, Your clump masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched lower of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tots to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door (Lazarus) For in these words a tonality image of American pride became that which beckons to either who wish for more, for better, and for liberation from that which oppresses them. For Americans, the Statue of self-reliance is a spot typeic representation distinguishing liberty and immunity. She carries the Insurmountable burden of being the figure for Americas cantonal pride by means of Its accomplishments.Originally named Liberty en well-situateden the World, the statue was constructed as an Icon celebrating Americas victories over adversity. This was evident at the statues Inauguration In 1886. Before a crowd of thousands and President Grover Cleveland, the American battalion intensified more or less immediately That the statue Was wid ely regarded as a symbol of the nation. (Scorcher Arts and Entertainment) The people instantaneously accepted this magnificent work of art as a symbol of their power and aptitude.Furthermore, the eye symbol can be felt through the emotions evoked through the interpretation of her no-nonsense facial attitude seen through all those who look upon. This is a representative of strength and resolve in the people of America. This is confirmed by the work of the sculptor Birthday, and his eloquent portrayal in the subtleties of expression, Liberty serious demeanor underscores the Idea that liberty Itself comes at a cost and must not be taken lightly. (Scorcher Arts and Entertainment) Finally, almost covered by the drapery, Liberty left foot, which few viewing audience et to see, treads upon the broken shackles of tyranny.The receding position of her right leg makes the statue, when viewed from the south, seem to be striding onward to shed her light before her. (Scorcher Arts and Enter tainment) Americans feel strongly about Lady Liberty and realize that having their personal freedom comes with cost, some times paid for in human lives and other sacrifices, but through it all as a nation of determined people, they will persist in to break the shackles of tyranny and stride onward stronger than before.Furthermore, as a gift room France to the people of the united States to mark the Centennial of the American Declaration of Independence, the Statue of Liberty was given to recognize America for Its accomplishments and tribulations In Just one hundred short years of history. This key symbol was given in honor of the accomplishments the invigoratedly Torment unlace states Ana undergone since ten selling AT ten Declaration AT Independence a Civil War and reconstruction of a nation, the overcoming of slavery, the expiration of a great leader, and a revolution not unlike the one experienced by theFrench. The people of France looked upon the unite States as being triu mphant over all odds and still remaining a strong independent nation and from this, the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of national pride was born. The symbolism found in the Statue of Liberty is not exclusive to Just the people of America. Its representation of liberty and freedom is known throughout the world to those seeking safe harbor within her borders. The statue represents freedom, liberty for those immigrants that are in search of an opportunity and a new life.Immigrants re inspired to seek refuge in the United States through shared tales of how Lady Liberty stands at the doorway to this new life, and beckons them in with her colossal blowtorch of light. The emotional perception and imagery is so intense that countless immigrants have been compelled to sell virtually all their worldly possessions, pack into ships like herds of cattle and make uncertain Journeys across stormy seas. The symbolism is encourage reinforced by those that have completed the Journey, as they share their tales of Lady Liberty with those souls seeking inspiration. For many the iris memory was the lady with the torch. (Brownstone) A simple glimpse can conjure up an almost religious enchantment. It was not uncommon for move overengers to weep or pray with gratitude upon seeing her verdigris face in the harbor. This is marked by the account of one immigrant, Celia Ripens as she recalls, l saw the Statue of Liberty. And we all ran out and I prayed because I heard so much in Poland about it- the Statue of Liberty. (Brownstone) Moreover, another immigrant recalls being shown by her uncle the Statue of Liberty, and she notes that That I will never forget. (Brownstone) Countless passengers on immigrant ships, many with their bodies wracked by illness and terrible seasickness, would rush up to the densely crowded decks, teeming with people to witness their first sight of the Statue of Liberty a symbol proclaimed by the immigrating peoples as their icon for success and newly afforded o pportunities in a new land.Embodied in art work, and held as a cherished icon, Lady Liberty has appeared in countless renderings on American currency. The image of liberty has been seen on coins, Liberty Loan Bonds, and a number of commemorative coins. Her image stirs up the emotions that people relate to freedom and success, that her image has been endeared to financial freedoms as well. Liberty stands tall on a Liberty Loan Bond, issued during World War I to help boost the economy. Her likeness and images have graced the new dollar coins, giving an impression once again of triumph over adversity.As a key symbol not yet to her nation, but to her home state of New York, her distinctive shape graces the small quadruplet of the US State Quarter, and after the events of September 1 1, 2001 her image has been shown on commemorative coins as symbol of triumph and solidarity over adversity against her nation. Lady Liberty is not only a key symbol, she is a work of art, having been repre sented in mediums from the copper of her frame to the renditions of many artists who endear her more and more in their works.She is truly a key symbol to the nations people. As one AT ten most recognizable symbols AT American Justice Ana Treetop, Lay Liberty stands tall embodying Americans with national pride, as well as an intrinsic sense of personal pride. The statue continues to strengthen the American peoples solve in their times of adversity. This strength continues to continue through the stories and coinage passed from one generation to the next.The tales of the countless people that overcame unthinkable odds to simply pass before the lady with the torch, Liberty Enlightening the World is a reminder that Americans are those people. Americans are the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses that yearned to breathe free. Yet, through everything America endures, as a nation the people of the United States continue to draw on and find refuge in the comfort and solidarity of his national key symbol, not to only guide them, but to serve as a reminder of their strength.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Discrimination in Employment Act Essay

Legislative requirements ar defined by law, The health and safety second 1974 ensures a safe working environment. The electricity at work regulations 1989, The COSHH 2002 regulations protects raft against any chemical/substances hazardous to health, the MHOR 1999 how to move equipment safely without injury. The data protection act 1998, The equality act 2010 involves race relations and disability, age, Each has their own act , sex dissimilitude act 1975 and age discrimination act 2006. RIDDOR 1995 for the reporting of injuries,disease and dangerous occurrences.Regulatory requirements include IFL work out of practice for teachers to ensure responsibilities towards safe guarding conquerable adults in learning, public liability insurance , a waiver for clients to sign to say they are prosperous to be treated by trainees under supervision, risk assessments. Hygiene standards, lodgeed personnel, terms and conditions of employment, codes of professional practice LLLS 2008 IFL, and your debt instrument of care. 1. 2 To value and celebrate every unmatchable, as each apprentice will each have a different range of abilities, you must treat everyone equ ally and with dignity and mention, no matter their age, race, culture or disability.Everyone is entitled to education and adapt your learn methods to include everyone. Have a appearance at Reisenberger & Dadzie 2002, equivalence and diversity in adult and community learning- a guide for managers, Niace, which you can access at http//www. excellencegareway. org. uk/pdf/A1181. pdf Accessed twentieth October 2012. 1. 3 Think about what you will be teaching prepare and organize a plan. convey the lesson interesting but informative. To adapt your lesson if something goes wrong, are the learners benefiting from the lesson and how to tell if they are.Assess your methods if you notice they are not plectron up on the topic, track progress and look back on paperwork/ evidence try other method. Be positive, have a go at itledgeable in your profession, confident, enthusiastic and encourage, make up to date with the beauty industry. Good working experience and keeping up to date records give tongue to organisation. 1. 4 Identify the lacks of the learner, then look at the type of methods on tap(predicate). Then we can assess if the learner is getting what they need out of that teaching method, deliver current and relevant information, the learner may have a preference of how they would like this to be done.You will need to try all methods and adapt them, use different resources while your lesson is in progress, contemplate on your own experiences in order to run the learner. As a teacher you may need to mentor, support, plan, design and deliver to the best of your ability, reflect, adapt and communicate effectively, observe and listen, to self assess yourself, justify your decisions, keep records and make referrals as necessary in order to do this I use the table to a lower place called t he smart guide and I follow this to involve an objective setting. S Specific, know what need to be achieved M Measurable, ways of measuring completion A Achievable, is an event that is achievable R Realistic, factors such(prenominal) as resources and time T Time scaled, deadlines, stops people postponing tasks. They relate to a guide for objective setting. 2. 1 A relationship between the learner and the teacher should be of a professional manner, listen to them when they are talking, do not involve yourself or others with any personal issues, confidentiality is important , but we need to know when to refer the learner .No contact by phone or outside the premises, if you know the learner you must inform your line manager. When you are with a student in a one to one situation leave the door open or have someone else in the room with you. 2. 2 You need to know when to refer a learner for internal or external support services, be prepared to be the first point of call and you ne ed to know what services are available for them, then you can refer them to another trained professional and concentrate on supporting them. at that place are many services available for learners such as the Samaritans helpline, drugs, dyslexia, citizens advice bureau, victim support and NHS direct, as considerably as assistance with funding. 2. You can clarify your own responsibilities with your line manager, be a team player, register with organisations within your field such as HABIA (Hair and Beauty industry authority), LAPS ( Lead authority partnership scheme). health and safety in Hairdressing and beauty therapy( online) ( updated 27th June 2012) ( Accessed on 20th October 2012) available at http//www. hse. gov. uk/hairdessing. 3. 1 The environment that you work in should be safe and clean with adequate lighting and space, good tutelage of equipment with leave records to hand. You should provide facilities so the learner can research their material, have access to books o r the website, show videos, outings to a salon with a good reputation, ensure the layout of your class room is meeting the requirements of the learner this may change.Do a lesson plan, identify all needs, Assess if your methods have been productive, encourage and support all learners, motivate them to build their portfolio of evidences, give them feedback after practicals, share your experiences , discuss the positives with the negatives. 3. 2 Do not interrupt a learner when they are talking, listen to them and express an option. Encourage them to make their own ground rules to show respect to others, there may be other professionals or clients watching. Think of your colleagues as a client, maintain their dignity, put up full uniform this reflects your professionalism, hair tied back, no nail polish, nails short and clean, wash hands, wear appropriate footwear, set standards for the learner to follow. Mobile phones on silent, equipment to be cleaned and put away safely. Give the l earner responsibilities such as a stock check. Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times this will reflect on the running of the salon and the sales of the business. Bibliography London underground trainers code of practice.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Mud crab

I. Problem/QuestionThere is circulating(prenominal)ly an change magnitude commercial viability of mud crabs especially in subtropical countries. However, due to seasonal factors affecting the spawning of these species, at that place a need to develop methods for year-around larval production (Zeng, 2007, p. 1478-1479) arises. There are no current techniques that would enable this process. Therefore, this study investigated on the feasibility of out-of-season mud crab spawning induction. It overly determined whether in vitro pensiveness of eggs is possible. An evaluation of the temperature effects on the rates of embryonic development of mud crabs was also conducted. This is in order to provide predicted dates of hatching for berried mud crab female persons (Zeng, 2007, p. 1478-1479). II. Experimental procedures/MethodThe researchers kept female individuals of S. paramamosain in 1000L tanks. These holding tanks contained seawater, filtered with sand, with constant salinity of 29- 32 g/L but with uncontrolled temperature between 10-30 C. In order to determine the proximate maturation index (PMI) (Zeng, 2007, p. 1479), crab ovarian development was regularly analyze every fortnight using a calliper to measure the width of the strip of light in the carapace when shone with bright light from underneath (Zeng, 2007, p. 1479).The induction experiment was started with the random selection of mature subjects with